Sunday, January 2, 2022

Just getting to the end of the year - Week 4/4

Did: 22-min bodyweight workout + 7.2 mi mountain bike ride
Today's workout was a tough one!
10 min clock
4x up downs, tricep dips, jump squats
add 2 reps each round
Rest 2 min
Start where you left off, count back down to 4 reps, and try to beat 10 mins
Ended up with 18 reps, and 9:10 on the "return" set. WHEW I was sweating by the end.

In the late after noon we took a family & friends bike ride at Lakeside Park. Fun to spin around on the mountain bike in the woods for a bit!

Did: 6.65 mi @ 7:57/mi avg + 1 mi walk @ 23 mins
Today was making up for days 10 (5k @ 100% effort) and 11 (10k @ 75% effort) of 12 Days of Yeti. I combined them because #efficiency.
Ran on the swamp rabbit and then up to Furman to do 3-ish laps around the mall (approx. 1 mile per lap)... mannnnn that was hard, and I definitely felt like I was going to puke by the end. Had a 21:50 time, which is not a PR but was definitely everything I had in me this morning. Running hard is, well, hard... but feels so good when it's done!

Also finished out my 12 Days of Yeti challenge by walking a 23-minute mile. It's not my slowest but man it's hard to walk any slower than that and not feel weird about it! It was a lovely pre-lunch meander. 

Did: 15-min bodyweight workout + 2.5 mi run
Today's workout:
30s each x3 rounds
thread the needle (R), high/low planks, thread the needle (L), Mtn climbers, fast feet, high knees, jumping jacks, sumo squats, touchdown squats, rest
Later did a short and easy run in the rain on the swamp rabbit trail, just to get out a bit. It's still oddly warm here but the rain did feel nice.

I also decided, after some consultation with Scott about training schedules and whatnot, that I am going to register for the Tobacco Road Marathon and attempt to run a Boston-qualifying time. 😵😁💥 More on that later...

Then I accidentally broke my 163-day 10k steps streak:
Dangit. 🤦

Did: 12-min bodyweight workout
Later in the day, I did a bodyweight workout that seemed simple on paper, and in execution wasn't too bad:
50-40-30-20-10 shoulder taps (R+L=1) and air squats
10-20-30-40-50 skater lunges (R+L=2) and Russian twists (R+L=1)
Total time = 12:27

Did: 6.54 mi @ 8:25/mi avg
Got in a nice early run with the downtown group for the final miles of 2021!

Did: 12.15 mi @ 9:16/mi moving avg
Awaited daylight and then headed out for a nice long run... I have definitely missed these lately! Was a little tough to get going, but by the time I'd reached TR I felt good. Cruised a few miles on the Swamp Rabbit before getting back to the hills of Green Valley. On my run today I saw:
A platter of spilled meatballs on the side of the road

TWO white squirrels, that of course instantly darted in opposite directions as soon as I stopped to take a photo. 

Also, determined to restart the 10k Step Streak today. Already done with this run - over 21k!
Good start to the year!

Did: 6.01 mi @ 7:46/mi moving avg
Rain rain rain all morning, finally got out in the early afternoon. Goal today was to test out running "marathon pace" (8:01/mi) and went for six miles. Was unsure of how it would go and gave myself permission to drop and make it a "just run" run if I wanted to. Turns out that was unnecessary and I went uhhhh too fast lol. 
22:58 for the first 3 miles
23:48 for the last 3 miles
Happened to run into a friend on the trail around mile 4 so had a short walk break to say hello, then picked it back up. I'd noticed I was ahead of schedule towards the end so didn't push hard on the last mile. Gotta work on getting into race pace groove!

Only got sprinkled on a little bit!

Miles for the week: almost 34! Not bad for getting back on the training horse... :)

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