Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Tobacco Road Marathon Training - Week 2/11

Week 2

Did: 20 min strength & stretch
Started the morning with a very short strength and stretching session before heading into the office for an early meeting.

Planned: Track Tuesday reps (short distance)
Did: 7.00 mi Track Tuesday w/ 9x400m
Great frozen morning on the track! Got out there a little earlier so was able to get in a longer workout. Today's target was 400m repeats at 1:37, which seemed like a pretty easy task but definitely felt it by the end!
Was able to complete 9 repeats, all between 1:31 and 1:36, with a majority of them being right at the 1:#5 mark. Very happy with the consistency there!

Planned: 9 mi with optional 3mi race pace near the end
Did: 9.14 mi @ 9:03/mi avg moving pace
Again opted out of the MP miles since I still feel like I'm adapting my legs to the longer miles. Jumping from a typical 20-25 mpw to 40+mpw last week was a pretty big shock. I can definitely tell I'm using more energy overall because I am HUNGRY all the time.
Did this run in the late afternoon due to some work meetings and such in the morning. It's usually a low-energy part of the day for me, so it was a little tough but still felt nice to do a nice long, easy cruise on the SRT in the cool afternoon sunshine. Sped up in the last mile or so, but not all the way to marathon pace.

Planned: Altamont
Did: Altamont, 5.68 mi @ 8:38/mi avg moving pace
Another Thursday climb up the mountain! Beautifully clear and cold morning, and mannnnn the legs were tired after a couple hard days in a row. Always feels good to get this one done! Looking forward to a rest day from running tomorrow.

Did: 1.7 mi walk
Took advantage of sunshine and enjoyed a walk around the neighborhood at lunch.

Did: 3 mi mountain bike ride
Supposed to have a family camping weekend but due to impending winter weather, ended up staying just Friday night and biking Saturday morning. Super D lead us on a 3-mi ride through Poinsett State Park which was quite lovely!

Did: 8 mi snow run
Welp, the winter weather they predicted sure came true! Got somewhere between 6-9 inches of snow and had 30-50 mph winds and gusts for a lot of the morning. Our power went out midday, and we retreated to my parents' apartment downtown for the evening since we had no prediction of when power would be restored. Weather finally calmed a bit in the afternoon and got in a very slow 8 mile run around downtown.

Week-ending thoughts:
Just shy of 30 miles for this week, which is much less than the targeted amount. Snow really made for difficult running and I'm feeling all out of sorts with the botched schedule and ability to log miles! 😖

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