Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Tobacco Road Marathon Training - Week 3/11

Residual snow on the ground and altered school/work schedule are really going to make things difficult this week. Plus they're predicting MORE snow on Friday! 😩

Week 3

Did: 2 mi walk
Took a neighborhood walk in the snow... sunshine was nice, but the ice & snow on the ground still makes things difficult!

Did: 6.23 mi @ 9:23/mi
Had to creep my way along the icy patches of the Swamp Rabbit trail to get this one done, and ended up running on some roads that were in better shape than the trail. Got it done, though!

Did: 8.28 mi @ 8:15/mi avg
Took the run to Furman this morning after hearing that the roads on campus were well-cleared. It was a correct assessment! Was able to do some race-pace miles around the Furman mall early in the morning. 

Did: 5.54 mi @ 7:58/mi avg
Speedwork at Furman this morning! Went to the Mall again for some loops, ran fast on the straightaways and recovered on the roundabouts at each end. Worked out to 8x intervals of about 0.2 mi each and completed all at <7:00/mi pace (varied from 6:18/mi to 6:50/mi). 

Did: 3.6 mi walk
Had to get outside despite it not getting much above freezing the whole day 🥶

White squirrel!

Did: 18.3 mi @ 8:50/mi moving avg
Oh man, this run went from good > not great > really great. Started off from the Woodlands and headed south on the trail early in the morning. It was pretty chilly to start off but warmed up ok as I got moving. For some reason, as the sun came up I actually got colder (I think the temps actually do drop just a bit right around sunrise) and had to pull on my wool glove liners by the time I got downtown (about 7.5 miles in). 
Sunrise was pretty though!

Hands were so so cold, but I just made myself keep moving. About the time I had passed by the zoo and was heading towards Laurens Rd, my watch buzzed that it had a low battery. Oh dear... I was only at the halfway point of my run! Nothing I could do about it... kept going and hoping it would last (but totally expecting it to die). Ran down Earle Street and felt pretty tired (and cold still), made it over to Washington and back onto the Swamp Rabbit just south of the Swamp Rabbit Cafe & Grocery. 
I ran under a moving train! hehe

Decided I'd make a pit stop and thaw out for a bit, which was an excellent idea. I had about 5 miles left, had a snack, and headed back out when I could feel my hands again. I made the decision to do some faster miles at this point, but I didn't dare touch my watch to mark laps for fear it would eat up the battery (which was still holding on!). I ran hard for 2 miles (13.5-15.5), took a half mile easy run break, then another mile (16-17) hard. Based on a few spot checks of my watch I think I was probably around 7:30-7:45 for those miles, which honestly was the best I felt the entire run! My hands were finally warm! I ran easy for the last mile and then decided I wouldn't push my luck any longer with the watch battery and finished at 18.3 miles. Walked the ~3/4 mile back to the car and felt very happy with that run!

Did: 3.23 mi hike + 2.44 mi run/walk 
Started out in the morning with a lovely hike with Super D and some friends. 
Station Cove Falls in Oconee State Park

Armadillo sighting!

After the hike, we met with others for lunch and I made the mistake of absolutely chowing down on a massive bowl of mac & beer cheese fries. 
Delicious mistake

Afterwards, I intended to run my race pace miles, but I attempted a couple of miles and my stomach decided the brick of food was not going to allow any kind of pleasant running.

Week-ending thoughts:
Even with the missed Sunday run, still got over 40 miles for the week - very happy about that, and still quite happy with the long Saturday run performance!

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