Sunday, February 6, 2022

Tobacco Road Marathon Training - Week 5/11

Week 5

Did: 1.9 mi walk
Definitely happy for a recovery day today. Whew. Hard but successful week last week, legs were pleased with a walk at lunch time!

Planned: track workout
Did: 6.77 mi Track Tuesday
Got 8x400 at the track this morning, felt good to push hard for short distances. Pretty consistently on the target of 1:37 per 400, with the slowest (the first one) at 1:41 and the fastest (the last one) at 1:32. 

Planned: EZ 6
Did: 3.13 mi @ 9:40/mi avg
Yep, I'm sick. Woke up feeling kind of "bleh" with a not-really-sore-but-dry throat and just an overall blahhhhh energy level, and by the time I went out to attempt an easy 6 mile run, I didn't even want to do that much. I got 5k done and walked back to the car.

Planned: Altamont
Did: 15 mins stretching/yoga
That's all I could muster. Congested and sneezy and BLEGH.

Did: 1 mi walk
At least got out of the house and walked in the neighborhood at lunch, but not much energy for anything more.

Planned: 12 mi EZ
Did: 12.02 mi @ 9:14/mi 
Ok, feeling 85% better and decided to go for an easy 12 miler in the morning. I didn't put any fast miles in the plan today, just hold steady and hope for close to a goal of 9:15/mi pace (which, turns out, I nailed). Happy with this recovery effort, and thankful that's all I had to do.

Planned: 6 mi MP
Did: 4.09 mi hike + 6.02 mi @ 7:22/mi avg pace
Did a lovely hike in the morning with Super D and John - waterfall, freezing but sunny weather (perfect) - great time on the trails.

Got home and headed out to the Swamp Rabbit for a quick-as-I-could 6 mile run. Turns out that was pretty quick... I knew the 6 miles felt fast, but I didn't glance at the watch the entire time (only checked for distance). Wowza! Looks like this was more of a tempo run than a race pace run.

Week-ending thoughts:
Well, despite feeling like I skipped an entire week of training due to sickness, I really only missed 1.5 runs (Altamont + cutting short the Wednesday run). I have to remind myself of that! 
Hoping for a more normal week coming up... another hard "peak week" ahead. Here we gooooooooo.

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