Sunday, November 28, 2021

Recovery Week

It's Thanksgiving week and after 2 solid weekends of BIG EVENTS, I'm using this week as a recover/assess what I want to do next. I have ideas but I'm not quite sure I'm ready to commit to anything yet. Part of me wants to double down on Spartan-centered training, join a climbing gym, and get really good & strong at doing obstacles. Another part wants to use the mileage and speed I've built to go for a Boston qualifying time. I know either one will require even more focus and commitment. I'm giving myself time through the holidays to just feel things out and hopefully before the end of the year I'll make some kind of decision.

I did sign up for the 12 Days of Yeti (though I missed the first 200 spots where we would get a pom pom hat... so bummed!). This year they are sending out the full schedule at the beginning (vs. last year where each day's workout was a surprise given the night before). That starts December 14th. 

I'll also do my usual Run Streak from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day.   Ooops I forgot to run on Friday after Thanksgiving.... so I guess the streak is out. 🙈😂🤦

Did: 60 min Power Vinyasa + 4 mi EZ run @ 9:20/mi
Dropped D off at school and got out for a few easy miles on the SRT - this has become one of my favorite routines to get in some extra mileage. I then signed up for a midday virtual yoga class that was quite good... man I am out of practice but it felt great to get back into it! I hope I can maintain this routine.

Did: 6.4 mi @ 8:05/mi
#10kTuesday in the early morning hours - decided to skip track workout for one more week since I feel like I'm still recovering, but the pace clearly shows that I'm allll good! I felt like I was struggling and thought "oh I guess my legs are still tired" but it appears that I was just moving faster than expected. I'll take it!

Did: 45 min strength + 1.8 mi walk + 4.05 mi bike ride
Actually did a solid 45 minute strength training session - man it's been a while! Got some kettlebells, some weights, some core work, jump rope, a little bit of everything. 
Took a nice walk in the afternoon once I'd wrapped up working for the day - very nice.
In the evening we met a friend and her daughter (close to D's age) for a short bike ride to TR for dinner at Sidewall Pizza. It was chilly but a fun little ride!

Did: Turkey Day 8k - 4.96 mi @ 8:09/mi avg

Scott and I had a good run at the Turkey Day 8k! We offered to have D go with us in the stroller but he opted to hang out with Grannie & Peepa instead. We dropped him off then headed to the start area where we ran into several friends. As much as I dislike the crowdedness and chaos of large races, it is fun to see lots of people we know!
The race started just after 8am and we headed off on the route. It went pretty steadily up Main Street, down Broad Street, and into Falls Park near the zoo. The 8k and 5k courses split just before the zoo parking lot... the 5k turned across the bridge to the other side of the Reedy while the 8k continued down towards the zoo. The course took a little out-and-back near the tennis courts and it was fun to see all the fast folks ahead of us. 
We continued around the end of the park, then the trouble started when we merged back in with the 5k course. We'd been maintaining about an 8:15 pace for the whole race and now we were merging into a huge crowd of folks walking... what a ridiculous cluster!! Dodging around people walking or slowly jogging, and then coming to a complete stop when everyone bottlenecked to get over a teeny stone bridge (which on a good day two people can't comfortably pass one another). Insanity!
The crowds didn't really thin out as we went through a water stop and more narrow trail... finally exited the park and got back onto the road which made it a bit better, with about half a mile remaining. 
I'm definitely glad I decided not to "race" this one... would have been incredibly frustrating to try to make a specific time with all the "traffic"!

Did: 1.5 mi walk + 10.8 mi bike ride
Spent the middle part of the day at Lake Conestee Nature Park with the family, and between playground and playing soccer in the big field, I got out for a short solo walk on the trails. 

In the evening, we met up with a group of friends for a fun night ride to get tacos at a yummy taco truck. Started from home, rode down the Swamp Rabbit trail to Swamp Rabbit Cafe & Grocery for a beer stop, then onto the taco truck near the Pupuseria La Estrella on 183. The tacos were yummy and we then headed to Southernside Brewing for the final stop of the night. I drove home in the car we'd left there earlier in the day while Scott rode home with friends. A fun night!
Night riiiiiide :)

So fun!

D had his pants on backwards the whole time

Did: 9.77 mi @ 8:32/mi avg
Did the Batman route with the downtown group - nice brisk pace in the nice brisk morning chill! Nice to do some fast road running for a change. 😁

Did: 2.6 mi hiking + 15 min core/bodyweight workout
Took D out for a hike at Bunched Arrowhead Preserve in the morning - we haven't gotten to hike lately but had a great time! Did almost 2 full loops (once clockwise, the other a reverse loop) which I was surprised D was pretty enthusiastic about. Beautiful place!

In the afternoon I did a short core workout just to add in a bit more strength for the week. 

25 miles for the week, felt good for recovery but ready for more miles next week hopefully!

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