Monday, November 22, 2021

Spartan Beast Week

Did: 20 min Yoga for Runners
Did this short yoga sequence to stretch out the legs. Not the most thrilling sequence but felt good to stretch out the legs. Still quite sore from the weekend! Also took a short walk at lunch to get the legs moving.
Trees at work are so pretty though!

Did: 6.26 mi @ 8:49/mi
Skipped the track workout today in favor of some easy steady miles. Definitely a good choice - quads were still yelling at me today! Great to get this done early in the morning.

Did: 1 mi walk
Didn't have time for much but got a mile walked in the neighborhood before heading to the office for a busy day in a training class.

Did: 4.66 mi @ 8:20/mi
Hoorayyyy legs are feeling alive again! Got out for some early miles around Furman. Feeling good.

Did: 2 mi walk
Another walk at work after lunch, getting a little nervous for the Spartan Beast tomorrow! 😳

More pretty trees at work

Did: Spartan Beast

Did: 3.26 mi walk
Recovery walk around the neighborhood. Legs feel pretty good, but entire body from the waist up is sooooo sore. 

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