Monday, November 15, 2021

50k Race Week / 2 weeks til Beast

Did: 4.04 mi @ 9:45/mi
EZ run after morning school drop-off, never get tired of running through Furman and seeing the beautiful belltower and Paris Mountain in the background!
Sun rising over Paris Mtn

Swan Lake

Morning sunlight through the colorful trees

Did: 6.45 mi @ 8:12/mi
Track Tuesday with the downtown crew, kept it fairly easy with a ~2 mile "tempo" at 7:23/mi and of course a final 400m (again, not full effort) in 86s. 

Did: 3.45 mi walk
Took a midday neighborhood walk... keeping running miles to a minimum this week but want to keep the legs moving!

Did: 20 min run + 30 min walk
Taper taper taper... 2 more days!!

Did: 2.5 mi walk
Got out for a few miles before it was time to pack up and head into the mountains!

Did: Sky to Summit 50k

Did: 2.8 mi walk
Recovery walk after getting home... oh mannnnn the legs are sore! But the neighborhood trees are just lovely. 

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