Sunday, December 5, 2021

Another recovery week I guess?

Big events out of the way and not sure what's next... guess we'll call this Recovery Week Part Deux. 

Did: 1.75 mi walk
Not time for much else... just a walk at work.
Fountain rainbow 🌈

Did: 6.4 mi Track #10kTuesday
Back at the track with the downtown crew! Felt pretty good on 6x 600m.
Skipped the Hot 400 because... everyone was feeling a wee bit lazy. 

Did: 30 min bodyweight workouts + 3.3 mi trail run
Starting back on the bodyweight workouts because it needs to happen! Did two today:
1) Each round is: 5 push-ups + 6 high-knees + 7 mountain climbers; repeat 20 rounds
= 10:02
2) 30-27-24-21-18-15-12-9 reverse sit-ups + 20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6 alternating plank toe taps (L+R = 1) + 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3 single-leg glute bridges (L+R=1)
= 11:51
Then finished up with some arms weights. 

Was able to run the 5k course after work and watched a beautiful sunset as I finished and drove home!

Did: 5.8 mi Altamont run
Back on the mountain this morning with a new person joining us! Always fun to add more folks to the crowd (if you can call 4 people a crowd lol). Been a few weeks since I've done this climb so it felt tough but I never regret getting out there early!

Did: 30 min bodyweight workout
Got this done in the evening after work while watching a movie with Super D. Not a super-focused workout but got it done. Two core-focused workouts felt good!
Workout 1: 
1 min of each: plank, Russian twists, flutter kicks, shoulder taps, plank jacks, rest
Repeat all, 1 min
Repeat all, 30 sec
Workout 2:
AMRAP in 15 min: 5 pushups + 5 flutter kicks (R+L = 1) + 5 Russian twists

Did: 60 min Power Vinyasa yoga w/ Marsha
First time attending an in-person class at Soul Yoga, and it was everything I've been missing with my yoga practice. It felt so good to be immersed in the heat, with the music and the meditative words from Marsha. Her message today was about thinking back over the past year (as we often do when coming towards a year's end) and we get to asking ourselves "Did I accomplish everything I wanted to? Did I read enough books? Did I meet my financial or fitness goals?" and we become Human Doings instead of Human Beings. So she talked about acceptance and being... for all that it encompasses, imperfections and shortcomings, everything that we did or didn't get done. It's all part of the experience and it's what makes us human.

Did: 10.04 mi @ 7:54/mi
Got out for some early miles on the Doodle Trail this morning for a change of scenery. Turned out to be a nice speedy run and felt awesome!

25 miles for the week, so another low-mile week. Really loved getting back to the track, doing some in-person hot yoga, and getting back to strength workouts. Woot!

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