Sunday, October 3, 2021

7 weeks to 50k / 8 weeks to Beast

Goals this week: 
45 mpw
20-22mi long run

Did: 45 mins strength training + 2.2 mi walk
Decided it was time to get some strength training done... because that Beast isn't going to uhhh run? climb? whatever... itself. 
After dropping D off with my folks and having dinner, I took a walk downtown which was quite lovely. 

Did: 8.17 mi @ 8:11/mi
Great session at the track this morning with the downtown crew! There was enough interest from others that we moved our Track Tuesday meetup to include the downtown folks and ran at the Greenville High School track, just like we used to do years ago (wow, it has been that long!). Fun to see lots of folks out and working hard.
Did 4x800 (3:24, 3:24, 3:24, 3:19) + 400 in 79s.
Then I ran extra since the warmup/cooldown is shorter, and got the 8 miles I wanted for today.

Did: 6.08 mi @ 9:23/mi 
I don't know what it was about today's run, but man it was SO NICE. I ran from TR to Furman, around the lake, and back up. 
I made sure to keep it an easy, low-HR pace and felt just fantastic the whole time. Such a good mental boost to get out before the craziness of the workday started. 
Not sure what happened at the end there, but kept it below 160 for the rest of the run!

Did: 6.74 mi @ 9:16/mi w/ 5x hill repeats
I was ::thisclose:: to bailing on the run because work was already crazy and I barely had enough time before my morning meeting to squeeze in the run. Thankfully I have running friends that can tell me to get my butt out the door and quit making excuses, so I did, and it was awesomeeeee to get this run done! Ran around the neighborhood and through the equestrian park before going to the big steep section of Riverbend Rd for some hill repeats. Did 5x (1:07, 1:04, 1:05, 1:04, 1:00) on the hill and then made my way back home just in time for my morning meeting. 

Did: 3.14mi @ 9:55/mi 
Easy 5k for today, had to slow the pace to keep the heartrate low but still a nice loop through TR to start the day.

Did: 21.02 mi @ 10:47/mi
Whewwww this was a long run! My original plan to run loops at Trailblazer for miles 13-18 were foiled by totally overgrown trail and wayyy too many spiderwebs for my liking. Yikes. I was a little discouraged after discovering that since the off-road loops were supposed to be a nice break in the middle of the long run, but I stuck with it and got the rest of my miles around Furman. 

Yep, accurate representation.

...and then I hopped on an airplane and flew to France! (oooof sitting for a long time after that run was HARD)

Did: 2.26 mi walk 
Took a walk in the rain after finally getting to the hotel and settled in Castres. It's supposed to be pretty crummy weather the first part of this week, plus it will be crazy busy during the day. I'm anticipating several rainy runs or walks. 

Weekly miles: 45.15
Long run: 21
Goals = MET!! 🎉

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