Tuesday, October 26, 2021

4 weeks to 50k / 5 weeks to Beast

Well I've gotten a week behind on blogs again... it's now Friday of this "current" week and I'm just starting the week's entries! Uhhhh...

Did: 20 min bodyweight exercises
Getting home from camping and quite tired after unpacking, so just did 20 mins of bodyweight exercises and felt alright about that.

Did: 4.03 mi + 6.25 mi running
Intended to get 10-12 miles with D on his bike in the morning (another day off) but he was tired from a long weekend of biking, so we cut it off at 4 miles. We had a parent-teacher conference at D's school in the afternoon, which is about 6 miles from home, so I opted to run home to get the rest of my miles and a full #10kTuesday completed. Missed the track crew but enjoyed a little change of pace (and a day off from work!).

Morning session on the SRT with D

Running and biking

Running from schoo'

Did: 4.74 mi @ 8:51/mi
Early morning run since I'm back in the office. Looped through the neighborhood twice and felt good about getting that much in before the workday.

Did: 7.11 mi @ 9:02/mi
Altamont climb + bonus miles with the early crew, over 1000 ft of climbing done in about an hour! Lovely cool and full-moon morning on the mountain.

Did: 4.08 mi @ 10:21/mi
EZ miles on the SRT after dropping off D. Pretty sunrise through the clouds over Paris Mtn!

Did: 4.05 mi @ 8:19/mi (road) + 15.01 mi @ 12:22/mi (trail)
Wanted to get started relatively early but don't like running trails in the dark alone... so got in a short quick run through Furman in the early hours before heading up to Pleasant Ridge. Parked at the top lake lot just as the sun rose and headed our for 2 full loops (including the short and long loops). It was a beautiful quiet morning, felt a little sluggish at the beginning but got into a good rhythm and ended up with a faster second loop by about 10 minutes!

Did: 30 min weights + 5.0 mi @ 10:19/mi
Got a half hour of weights done in the morning - really struggling to keep up with strength training lately with the high running volume, but happy to get a little bit done.
In the afternoon we went to Conestee and I took a suuuuuper easy run to end the week with FIFTY MILES!!! 😁

Weekly Miles: 50.27 miles 🎉🎉🎉

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