Friday, October 22, 2021

5 weeks to 50k / 6 weeks to Beast

Did: 3.73 mi @ 9:30/mi 
Wanted an easy run, didn't get out early in the morning, ran in the neighborhood (hills) during the middle afternoon (warm) and just... well, I got through it. It wasn't terrible but definitely wasn't the run I wanted to start off the week. 
But it was New Shoes Day :)

Did: 10.18 mi @ 8:17/mi avg
Yesssss another 10-mile Tuesday, this time with some track work in the middle! Got started early before meeting the track crew downtown. Ran 3x1mi repeats (7:09, 7:05, 7:03) not super fast but decent, then hot 400 at 85s or so. Finished with another couple miles to hit the 10 total. 

Did: 6.06 @ 9:45/mi avg
Got out early on the Swamp Rabbit for some nice and easy miles. This run was exactly what I wanted it to be, kept the heartrate under 160, just felt great.

Did: 5.67mi @ 9:55/mi avg
Altamont with the crew this morning... considered doing more than 1 climb, but after feeling a little cruddy on the downhill I decided to stick to one repetition. Maybe next week. Glad to get back to climbing though!

Did: 3.0 mi @ 9:32/mi 
Just a short run before leaving for a weekend of unplugged wooded bliss! Long camping weekend + 2 days of vacation is exactly what I needed.

Did: 20.18 mi trail run + 7.13 mi mountain bike ride
Ran ALL the trails at Jackrabbit on Saturday morning starting out just after a big rain storm rolled through. Still got sprinkled on a little, but it was nice and kept the temps down. Felt great through the first ~15 miles of the "old" trails but saved the last 5 miles of new trail for the end (new trails are harder) - that was tough. 

Then of course per tradition, we did the sunset SABA Beach ride, with D in the lead, and all enjoyed a lovely night ride back to camp.

Did: 9.51 mi mountain biking
Enjoyed a nice group ride covering many of the main trails, part with D and part without. Even Scott and I got to do a loop on Sneaking Creek together!

Total miles: 48.8
Not too shabby! Close to the 50 mpw goal. 

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