Tuesday, September 28, 2021

8 weeks to 50k / 9 weeks to Beast

Weekly Goals: 40 mpw, 10 + 8 long runs

Did: 4.18 mi @ 8:18/mi 
Kept putting this off and finally shut down the work at 4pm and went out to run in TR before picking up D. That was a good choice. Ran in the sprinkling rain and did a nice loop. Felt good and strong.

Did: 8.15 mi @ 8:09/mi
No track today but got out early to run on the trail and was really happy about getting in 8 miles in the dark rainy morning! Felt stronger as the run went on.

Did: 2.85 mi walk
Didn't have much time today, what a hectic day! Was able to get out in the late afternoon after all the rain stopped and walk for about 45 minutes. Good enough. And kept the 10k steps streak alive for another day!

Did: 5.38 mi @ 8:20/mi
WHAT A GORGEOUS MORNING omg. Fall temps have arrived along with some lovely sunshine, so I took the time for a nice run through Green Valley. 

Did: 2.48 mi @ 8:11/mi 
Had time for just a quick loop in the neighborhood before buckling down to get work done. 

Did: 8 mi trail run
Headed up to Dupont with the family for a mid-morning run and ride time. I started off going up Sky Valley Road and down Rocky Ridge, and took a tumble right at the top of the trail... scraped up my knee pretty good, but after I walked a little it felt ok to run. I kept going, and ended up with 8 miles run which felt super great despite the fall. Had a bit of an adventure reconnecting with the family due to a lost cell phone (not mine)... all turned out OK though and we had an enjoyable day in the woods!

Did: 9.96 mi @ 9:55/mi avg
Ran on the Swamp Rabbit while D rode his bike - this was our first long-distance adventure with him riding and me running, but he did great!! We went from SRCG to the Zoo, then he stopped and played on the playground for a while and I kept running laps around the playground til it was time to head back. Then he hopped on the bike and we made our way back up to the Cafe and enjoyed lunch. It was a fantastic morning!

Miles for the week = just over 38. Not quite the 40 I was shooting for, but proud of what I got done! 😁

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