Thursday, October 14, 2021

6 weeks to 50k / 7 weeks to Beast

In France for work this week so I am fully expecting to NOT hit any big mileage goals this week, and do lots of walking.

Did: 16 min bodyweight workout + 1.8 mi EZ run
Started the morning with a little bodyweight workout in the hotel room. 
3 sets of 20 crunches, 20 heel-touch obliques, 20 reverse crunch, 20 side-step w/ resistance band, 10 pushups, 10 curls (each side) w/ resistance band, 10 squats, 10 reverse fly w/ resistance band. 
Not too bad for a quick little workout!

Took a short easy run with a colleague after our very long and tiring workday. The sun had decided to come out which was lovely!

Did: 9.8 mi @ 8:33/mi avg, with 2 tempo sections
Oh man it was awesome to get a long run in at the end of a long workday! This trail (Chemin des Droits de l'Homme) has been a fantastic find and it enabled some speedwork in the midst of a chunk of miles. 
I made it to the trail and decided I'd run as fast as I could to the turn-around point (knowing I had to return, of course) then take it easy until I had 2 miles left before the end of the trail (and would be back on busy city streets) and run again as hard as I could til that point. I came up with this plan on the fly and didn't use my lap button on my watch, but my mile splits tell me that I did pretty well... sub-8 pace, even mid-7s for a good bit of the speedy parts!

I got rained on for part of the run, but it didn't matter... just felt fantastic!

Did: 4.89 mi @ 10:01 min/mi avg
Slow pace today due to navigational challenges in the park, but at least this time I made it to the park! It was really pretty, a nice trail around the outside of a golf course, and a bridge over the Agout River which, unbeknownst to me, closes at 7pm each night... I just happened to be approaching it at exactly 7 and chased the security guy up the stairs to get across before the gate was locked! Other than that excitement, a very nice evening run.
The bridge gate

Agout River

Gourjade Park

Dunno why there's a castle in the golf course

Pretty Castres

Did: 2.63 mi @ 9:42/mi
Short on time but wanted to get in a little run before the final dinner in Castres. Did a loop out to the Chemin des Droits de l'Homme and back around into town. Almost could navigate the whole way without my phone... really enjoying learning this town. :)

Did: airport walking, at least 1 mile from ATL Terminal F to A
Transatlantic flight and far too late of a night the night before.... oooof this was a rough day. I knew traveling from 6am til 8pm was going to give me basically zero chance of "real" exercise, but wanting to maintain the streak of Stravativities and 10k steps, I made sure to record the long walk across the ATL airport from one end to the other. Not sure of exact distance, but based on stride my watch said I went at least a mile! 

Did: 30 mins weights
Strength training, hooray! This felt great to get some good weight lifting done. 

Did: 15.01 mi @ 8:30/mi avg
Wow, this was a great long run! Didn't really have pace or distance goals in mind for the day, but set out early and met the downtown group for a small loop, then finished a longer loop back to the trail and ended at the Swamp Rabbit Grocery for a lunch treat for myself. Felt strong through the whole run, and pace showed it! Very happy with this run, especially after an exhausting week.
Enjoying lunch in the sunshine

Total Miles: 34.13 mi
Ok, that's not nearly as bad as I thought the week might end up with all the travel. Quite pleased with this total for a "low mileage" week! :)

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