Tuesday, September 21, 2021

9 weeks to 50k / 10 weeks to Beast

Did: 4.1 mi @ 8:15/mi
Sometimes the runs when you're not in a great headspace are the ones that end up being good performance-wise. Not to mention the weather felt wonderful, and almost a week off from running meant the legs are fresh and ready to go. Definitely felt amazing today.

I also decided to actually look back at my previous 50k Training plan which I laid out to be 14 weeks, starting with a long run of 10 miles and 30 mpw. I feel like I'm there-ish, but with 9 weeks to go I should be around 40 mpw and a long run of 18 miles. Yikes. Gonna have to step things up real quick.

So there's my goal for this week: 40 miles, 18-mi long run (hopefully on trail)

Did: 8.35 mi @ 8:22/mi avg Track Tuesday
Great morning at the track! Felt pretty good although did not have a good kick for the final 400. I guess that means I pushed pretty well on the rest of the workout.
6x1k (4:19, 4:21, 4:17, 4:20, 4:18, 4:17) + 400 @ 1:30

Did: 20 mins weights + 2 mi walk
A little arms, a little kettlebell, a little kickboxing. Got that done early in the morning before going to the office. Then at lunch had a 2-mile walk around campus which was nice.

Did: 3.22 mi @ 8:26/mi 
Got out for a few miles in the afternoon in the midst of a loooooong workday. Good to do a few miles while I had the chance. 

Did: 4.58 mi @ 8:19/mi
Dropped D off at school and stopped for a little run on the north end of the Swamp Rabbit Trail before the chaos of the day set in. 

Did: 16.7 mi @ 9:50/mi 
Long run Saturdayyyyyy. Did not get to run off-road today, but a nice long run on the SRT was excellent. I basically ran and out and back on the trail to get to downtown and then did the RU-7 route from the early downtown group's repertoire. Worked out great, was definitely pooped by the end, but happy to get some long miles under my belt!

Did: 3.23 mi run + 6.7 mi bike ride
Got out in the midday to stretch the legs after yesterday's long mileage and to get me to my weekly goal. Then in the afternoon took a kid-speed bike ride to get ice cream. :)

Weekly Miles: 40.2
Long Run: 16.7

Yesssssssssss. 🥳

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