Tuesday, August 31, 2021

12 weeks to 50k / 13 weeks to Beast

Did: 20 min bodyweight workout 
Had time to squeeze in one day of Ryan Fischer (Day 4 - eeek I'm so far behind) between work and dinner. It was tough especially trying to not make too much noise doing burpees and disturbing my downstairs neighbor in the hotel. It was good enough though. Also walked around town after dinner to get my 10k steps. Amazingly it stays light here until after 9pm!

Add one set to each round, and also repeat everything you did before:
10 burpees
25 shoulder taps
50 lateral lunges
100 sit-ups
150 air squats
(Kind of like 12 Days of Xmas style)

Did: 7.03 mi @ 8:33/mi moving avg
I ran back to the hotel from the plant in Castres after work today! My coworker was kind enough to take my computer bag home and I packed my running clothes with me, so I was able to leave as soon as we were done for the day. Dinner wasn't until late so I knew I had plenty of time, which was helpful. 

Leaving the plant

I didn't leave the plant until after 6pm, so rush hour was in full swing. The first few hundred yards of the run had a decent path beside the road. 

That quickly disappeared and I was on the shoulder of a not-quite-two-cars-wide road for the first half (~3.5 mi) of the run. The road went into the rural countryside and climbed a pretty stout hill about a mile in... but the views from the top were worth it!

Sunflower fields

Mountains in the distance

So pretty!

The farther I went, the calmer the traffic was which made it more and more enjoyable as I kept running. 

Eventually I crossed a road and turned onto the pedestrian/bike path to start the second half of the route. This was much less populated and of course no cars present, so I relaxed a bit.

After a few miles, my directions took me off the path, through what seemed like someone's back yard, and out into a residential area where I followed the road the rest of the way into the town center. Eventually I was familiar enough with where I was that I didn't need the directions! I got back to the hotel right at an hour after I'd started and was able to get ready for dinner with no issue. 

And I got to add a new #10kTuesday pin!

Did: 1.5 mi walk
Another long and busy day, just had time for a walk after dinner but it was nice and a good way to explore the town a little more. Got my 10k steps but just barely! 

Did: 3.13 mi @ 9:20/mi run
Took a little 5k run through Castres before dinner - it was surprisingly warm, took it slow - ran north towards a park but the sidewalk ran out before I got there so I just turned back and ran a loop through the town.

Did: 3.23 mi walk
Took a walk once we got to Toulouse for the evening, enjoyed a nice park and a beautiful bike path!

Did: 0.55 mi family walk, 10k+ steps
Didn't record all my walks through airports today but I easily got all 10k steps before landing. Recorded a family walk around the neighborhood after dinner for the daily Stravativity :)

Did: Ryan Fisher Day 5 & 6, 2 mi run
Got these workouts in before hitting the pool for the afternoon. Feels good to get back to a strength routine after a wonky week! Got in a short run, too, for the sake of knocking out steps quicker.

Monday, August 23, 2021

13 weeks to 50k / 14 weeks to Beast

Starting the Ryan Fischer series over again this week... need to add that little bit of strength back in to each day to keep myself going for the Beast!
Also it is supposed to rain ALL WEEK LONG, plus I leave for France on Saturday afternoon (will be gone a week). YIKES.

Did: RF Day 1 + 3 mi EZ run
14:04 - fastest time yet!

Finished RF then went out for a few easy miles around the neighborhood. Man it's humid outside! Ugh.

Did: 8.07 mi Track Tuesday
Got out before Tropical Storm Fred arrived today, ended up being a great run! A little sluggish with speed but overall strong and solid run.
Got rained on.

Did: RF Days 2 & 3
I was running short on time but squeezed in some version of the next 2 days of Ryan Fischer. Don't think I broke any time or rep records but got it done. Internet was out at home, so I ended up going to work at my parents' apartment and took a walk through downtown to get in some steps in the afternoon.

Did: 5.67 mi Altamont run
Ran with the crew this morning, had to walk some of the climb - man I was struggling! It was SO hot and humid though. Ugh. 

Did: 3 mi walk/jog (mostly walk)
I was gonna do 2 RF workouts today but... my entire body from my waist up to my neck is sore. Shoulders, back, chest, lats, omg... everything hurts! I'll make up for it eventually but my goooooodness. 

Did: 10.17 mi @ 8:21/mi avg
Long run day and got it done early downtown. Really nice route though it has a good number of hills at the beginning... felt great to get moving early and get done before a crazy week of travel ahead.

Did: 1.7 mi walk
After ~30 hours of travel, arrived and settled in Castres, France! I'm here for work for the next week and took a walk to stretch my legs and orient myself in the little town. It's cute but I'll need to scout out some good running places for later in the week!

Monday, August 16, 2021

14 weeks to 50k / 15 weeks to Beast

Errrrm, yep. 14 and 15 weeks until the next biiiig events!

Did: 30 min kettlebell workout, >10k steps
Looked up some workouts online and did one. Felt good, I like it! The 26 lbs is pretty hefty but I think it'll be a good one to work with.

Did: 7.46 mi Track Tuesday, >10k steps
6x600 on the track today - 2:29, 2:33, 2:34, 2:32, 2:29, 2:32
And a spicy 400 at the end in 81 seconds. Whew! 

Did: 2.4 mi easy run + 10 mins monkey bars, >10k steps
Decided to do a little run through the park and stop at a few of the playground/bar stations. My palms are healing but man I need to do work on grip strength and endurance! 

Did: 5.67 mi Altamont run, >10k steps, 4.4 mi bike ride
Second week in a row getting back on the mountain. Much better this week but still a far cry from the times I was hitting back in the spring. Work to do!
In the evening we took our "party ride" to TR with friends, stopping for ice cream, beer, and pho along the way. Got back later than I'd wanted (nighttime ride!) but was a fun time. 

Did: 2.2 mi easy run + 60 min Power Flow w/ Jessica
I went out for a couple of easy miles in the neighborhood early this morning hoping to see some of the Perseid meteor shower, but wasn't successful due to all the city lights. 
Signed up and did a virtual live-stream Power Flow class for the first time in forever and it was fantastic! I have missed my yoga practice and man it was obvious I've been away from it for too long... it was tough!

Did: 10.77 mi trail run
Headed to Paris Mountain for some time on trails, and boyyyy it was a hot one! Good to be in the woods but whew, this totally wiped me out. Basically ran all the trails and hit the highlights - both lakes and the pretty cascades on the way down hiking-only Sulphur Springs. 

Did: 25 min kettlebells, continuing 10k+ step goal streak
Still feeling wiped out from yesterday, took a while to get motivated but finally got a short kettlebell workout done and walked to get my 10k steps. 

I'm going to start tracking my nutrition intake again... I think I'm underfueling and I suspect that (along with the heat, of course) is a culprit for my low energy this weekend. Gotta keep the gas tank full! 💪

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Recovery Week

It has been a while since every single muscle in my body hurt, and boy oh boy, do they hurt. I'm doing the granny walk from sore quads, obliques and shoulders are sore... just crazy. But man it hurts so good.

Did: 35 mins Full Body Recovery yoga, 10k steps
Found a video on YouTube and did some recovery yoga with lots of deep stretching. Everything is just SO sore.

Did: 8.0 mi Track Tuesday, 17k steps
Yes, I did Track Tuesday but I took it easy. Just ran laps at an easy pace and pushed for 100m strides at about 60-70% effort each. Did the final 400m at about an 80% effort and still came in at 88 seconds which I feel great about! The legs definitely felt better after running, but quads were still so sore throughout the day.

Did: 2.13 mi @ 8:59/mi + 10 min bodyweight and stretching, 11k steps
Just wanted to get out and shake out the legs a bit more this morning, plus it was in the 70s and felt amazing! Went for a nice long (unrecorded) walk at work during a midday break, also still just beautiful outside.

Did: 5.65 mi Altamont run, >10k steps
Finally got back to the morning mountain run this morning! I honestly wasn't excited about it when I woke up this morning, and the run was definitely hard, but I'm glad I did it. I had to walk a small portion to get my heartrate down during the climb. But I made it! Thinking this will have to be added back to the regular routine. 

Did: 35 min strength + 2.7 mi walk before/after dinner (>10k steps)
It's almost a week later and I don't remember what I did... weights and such, I suppose!
Definitely got sweaty tho.

In the evening we went to dinner in TR and I got in a bit of walking before and after. 

Did: 18.12 mi @ 9:38/mi
Had a wild thought of running 20 miles today, but decided due to time and just uhhh not wanting to run anymore, I stopped at 18. I was pretty happy with that amount as it's the longest run I've done in about 18+ months! Actually got faster throughout the run, but part of that was due to the last half being on the Swamp Rabbit Trail vs. first part through hillier downtown. A good run though and happy with the big mileage!

Did: 4.9 mi hike
Fun group hike to the peak of Sassafras Mountain! First time I've done this not at sunset, and it was great to bring D along with me this time. Really pretty, great time in the woods, overall an awesome hike.

2 states at once!

D wanted to be a puppy

Almost 34 miles run for the week! 💥

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Spartan Super race week!

Eeeeeek it's race week! Wow that uhhh snuck up on me. Also first "full" week in the office, which will now and going forward include 2 official WFH days. Adjusting the workout and other lifestyle schedules is challenging.

Did: 2.5 mi @ 9:00/mi avg run + 10 min bodyweight workout
Early run around the 'hood in the dark, and 10 mins of random bodyweight and weights that I don't remember nor did I write down.

Did: 7.66 mi Track Tuesday
Ran a downward ladder today:
2 mi @ 14:03
1 mi @ 7:03
800m @ 3:27
400m @ 82s

Felt awesome as usual (at least as far as I can remember writing this blog a week later...oops).

Did: 40 min yoga
Yoga with Adriene - Deep Stretch
Taking it easy for race week. I didn't love this video but it was fine for what I needed.

Did: 4.3 mi rain run @ 9:08/mi + 4.5 mi beer & ice cream ride
Did another early run in the neighborhood while it sprinkled rain. Felt pretty nice! Nothing special, just taking it easy.
In the evening we met some friends to do a beer & ice cream family ride. It was great fun!

Did: 2.6 mi walk
After a frustrating phone call at work I needed a nice long walk. It helped.


Did: 2.6 mi walk 
Took D to the playground at Cleveland park and walked around the perimeter while he played. Nice way to keep moving, get steps, and pass the time. 

Race Report: Spartan Super Asheville

Course Map
10k Distance, 29 obstacles

I have continued my training (running and bodyweight strength exercises) through the summer since the Spartan Sprint in April but not done much different. Definitely running longer and faster, and did a fun "mini-event" one Sunday afternoon that was a good test. 

I didn't quite know what to expect, but felt pretty confident that it would be another fun day.

On Friday before the race, I spent a bit of time looking up YouTube videos of the obstacles I'd not heard of before, and I'm (yet again) very glad I did that because it really helped me know what to expect and how to tackle some of the obstacles.

On race morning, we left Greenville at 8am and arrived at the race site, the Tryon Equestrian Center, right around 9am. Ok first of all this is about an hour away from Asheville, but I guess that was the closest city by which to name the race. The equestrian center was very nice though, well organized, and decently laid out although you had to walk all the way through the center and around to the back of the stadium ring to get into the race area... still, I understand why they did it for "traffic flow" reasons, and they did have staff with golf carts riding around giving people a lift to the parking lots if needed.

We got checked in, dropped our gear bags, and headed to the start line with minimal time standing around. Not rushed but definitely no dilly-dally time.
Ready to roll!

My little Spartan ready for the Kids race!

I honestly don't recall much of the first part of the race. I think there was a bit of running before we got to the first two obstacle(s). Below I'll go through each obstacle name, a thumbs up/down on whether I completed it, and then the % completion of the participants. 

Overwalls (4') - 👍 99% 
Hurdles - 👍 99%
Inverted Wall - 👍 97%

More running after this, went through a nice wooded area by a stream. 

Pipe Lair - 👍 99%
Water Crossing - 👍 99% (I'm concerned about the 1% that didn't make it across the river??) 

First photo op!

Next obstacle was the first that was really tough for me... the 7' wall. It took a couple of running starts and drying my hands in the dirt nearby, but I finally got it!

7' Wall - 👍 98%

A good bit more running, including some quite steep sections of trail. I think we were over 2 miles and 30 minutes in by the time we got to the next obstacle and felt good about our pace and thought (foolishly) maybe we COULD beat 1.5 hours (i.e. our time from the sprint where we walked the whole race). 

Twister - 👍 46%
This was a really hard one that I was not positive I could complete, but I am SO PROUD that I did it. Unfortunately it was the beginning of the demise of my callouses on my palms. The sweaty bars were so tough to grip and required a lot of extra effort to not drop.
This is Twister... those handles rotate as you go across. 

Olympus - 👎 39%
First failed obstacle. This one was too difficult to even attempt... there was just truly no way I had the upper body and grip strength to get across this. Your feet have nothing to stand on and no grip on the wall (it's like Teflon)... really not sure how to even start it. So we ran the penalty loop instead.

Stairway to Sparta - 👍 94%
Bender - 👍 89%
Both of these were varieties of climbing up rungs of something very tall. Stairway to Sparta started with a ~7' wall before the first rung, and Bender had nothing until the first run which was about 7' off the ground. The Bender "ladder" was slanted too, so you had to climb up the "underside" of it, over the top, and down the other side. Both challenging but doable.

The Box - 👍 85%
Again, one that I'm glad I looked up videos and tips on... an 8' tall box, about 3' across at the top, a pipe across the center of the top, with ropes tied on the pipe dangling down each side. You use the ropes to get up on top and then back down the other side. 

Beater - 👎 56%
Wide bars for my little hands plus SO SWEATY from the people in front of me caused my grip to slip on the very first bar. I didn't even get to the bars that moved! Grrr.
Those egg beater shaped things rotate and are set at different levels. Yep.

Multi-Rig - 👍 46%
Proud of this one although it was truly the one that did my hands in. There was a set of rings, then a straight hanging pipe to shimmy across, and then another set of rings. The pipe was set higher than the rings, the pipe also moved as you went across it... SO hard. The rings themselves weren't bad (the Sprint Multi-Rig was just rings) but the metal pipe was wide and hard to grip. But I made it across this one!! That's when I looked down at my hands...
Oh no.
(photo is from later but... they were already bad)

Knowing how many "grippy" obstacles I still had, I got super worried at this point.

Hercules Hoist - 👍 98%
Using a pinch grip instead of gripping with my palm as much as possible, I hoisted the 70lb sandbag up the 25 ft pulley (AND BACK DOWN SLOWLY). That one hurt.

Monkey Bars - 👎 63%
First failure of an obstacle that I completed successfully in the Sprint. I started off and got one swing on the bar and felt the whole layer of callous just peel right off my palm of my right hand. I couldn't make myself keep going, knowing the additional damage I would do to my palms. 
Ouch ouch ouch.

Sandbag Carry - 👍 99%
Palms burning, I slung the 40lb sandbag over my shoulders and trekked down and back up a very steep hill. 

Bucket Carry - 👍 98%
I think they said this thing was 45lbs or so... maybe more or less. But it was a giant paint bucket filled with rocks that you had to carry on your shoulders or however you could and get it around a (yet again) very hilly loop.

After that we ran again for a good while.

Rope Climb - 👍 59%
Honestly did NOT think I would make it up this one, but I am REALLY REALLY proud I did this! 

Atlas Carry - 👍 94%
Lift a 75lb concrete sphere, walk it down and back ~25m, drop it. Done.

Then you get dirty...

Rolling Mud - 👍 98%
Barbed Wire - 👍 99%

Dunk Wall - 
👍 95%
Where the dunk wall is an inflated wall even with the surface of a mud pit. The only way through is... under. 100% submerged in mud. 

Z-Wall - 👎 60%
I successfully completed this one in the Sprint, but I just didn't have it in me to give it much effort this time. My hands were DONE. Oh plus by this point we were well over 2 hours and 6 miles into the race!

A-Frame Cargo - 👍 98%
Vertical Cargo Plus - 👍 86%
We saw no less than half a dozen people fall to the ground with calf cramps at these two obstacles. I'm talking big dudes SCREAMING in pain. Thankfully my calves (and the rest of me!) stayed intact and didn't have too much issue with either of these. 

Spear Throw - 👎 67%
Yeah, just no.

Helix - 👍 94%
This one I think was made to look cool and complicated but it really isn't that bad. It's funky but fairly simple. 

Fire Jump - 👍 100%



And 24/29 obstacles completed!

Very happy with the performance this time around, and proud of my teammates for pushing through, too! John and I finished about 30 mins before Brad, but we all got through it and are excited for the Beast in November!


So muddy

Super D had a great time at his Kids Spartan, too!