Sunday, May 16, 2021

12 Weeks to Spartan Super

I guess we'll call this the start of training for the Spartan Super (race date 7/31/21)?

Did: 16-min bodyweight workout
Really been enjoying planning and executing these little mini strength sessions each day! I think even just the 10-20 mins has been a great consistency builder and has helped make the rest of my runs and such stronger.
Today's was:
50-40-30-20-10 shoulder taps (R+L=1) and air squats
10-20-30-40-50 skater lunges (R+L=2) and sit-ups

Completed in 16:09

Did: 7.56 mi @ 8:36/mi avg Track Tuesday + 15-min bodyweight workout
Got word yesterday afternoon that the FURMAN TRACK IS OPEN AGAIN!!! 💜 Sooooo excited. We got a big group to go to the track this morning and it was so great. We had to go the long way to get to the track due to the gate being closed, but it enabled us to finish the run by going through campus which was such a great homecoming feeling - I didn't realize how much I'd missed running there!
The workout was great, too:
2x 400/600/800 = 1:39, 2:21, 3:17, 1:35, 2:28, 3:20
Hot 400 finisher = 1:22 💥


Bodyweight workout when I got home:
30s each x3 rounds
thread the needle (R), high/low planks, thread the needle (L), Mtn climbers, fast feet, high knees, jumping jacks, sumo squats, touchdown squats, rest

Did: 20-min bodyweight workout
Today's routine was simple but tough! 
25 RFT: 6 pistol squats (R+L=2), 7 pushups, 8 bicycle crunches (R+L=1)

Coach Harley judging my pistol squat form

Did: 7.3 mi @ 9:00/mi avg + 15-min bodyweight workout
The usual Altamont group was all unavailable today, so instead I had S drop me off at Poinsett Park (our usual starting point for the group run) after he took D to school. I ran the usual up to the top of Altamont, and man it was so beautiful! Crisp and clear, you could see sooooo far - all the buildings downtown on one side and way to the foothills of the mountains on the other. Just fantastic! Then I ran the rest of the way home to finish it out. Felt good and strong throughout the run!

"You Made It!"
Bodyweight workout = 31 reps!
15 min AMRAP: 4x each star jumps, Russian twist (R+L=1), shoulder taps, up-downs

Did: 35 min DIY yoga
Impending birthday party and work stress made yoga a much-needed break in the middle of the day. Set the mat outside in the sunshine and got some good stretching done.

Did: 10.8 mi Dupont trail run
What a beautiful morning in the forest! Got to experience some of the favorites - views from Stone Mountain, descent on Rocky Ridge, and Wintergreen Falls. It was amazingly peaceful and quiet, not too many people out, and perfectly cool temperatures. Doesn't get much better!
Stone Mtn views

Wintergreen Falls

sunshine over Wintergreen

Did: 10-min bodyweight workout + 2.9 mi walk
Today's workout was quick but challenging!
50 reverse situps, 40 glute bridges, 30 tri dips, 20 pushups, 10 burpees, (1 min plank hold), then go back up
In the late afternoon I needed some fresh air and time with my thoughts, so I headed out for a walk on the Riverbend trails. Just the ticket! 💚 
A tunnel of trees

Just a path through green

Ok, so I was thinking this was a low mileage week but I was at 28.5 mi for the week including the walk... not bad! Gotta start increasing the mileage a bit so that 50k training isn't a shock to the system. Probably want to be comfortable around the 35 mpw mark going into it. Need to add one more easy running day to the week... 

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