Sunday, May 23, 2021

11 Weeks to Spartan Super

Goals this week: 
30 mpw (runs/walks/hikes)
full yoga and strength workouts (at least one of each... been skimping)

Did: 3.2 mi run + 15-min bodyweight workout
Decided to put in a few extra miles today and did a couple of loops at Trailblazer park this morning after dropping D off at school. It was beautiful! 

Got home and did the bodyweight workout for the day, which was a fun setup:
"Time of your Life": Start with 25 Russian twists, then look at your watch. Depending on the last digits of the "seconds" do one of the following activities next:
0) 10 pushups
1) 25 air squats
2) 25 gorilla hops
3) 10 up-downs
4) 25 glute bridges
5) 25 tricep dips
6) 25 skater lunges (R+L = 2)
7) 10 pistol squats (R+L = 2)
8) 25 jumping jacks
9) 25 high knees (R+L = 1)
Continue until you've completed 25 activities. Record total time.

I ended up with the following:
3x 10 pushups 5x 25 air squats 3x 25 gorilla hops 2x 10 up-downs 2x 25 glute bridges 2x 25 tri dips 4x 25 skaters 3x 10 pistols 0x 25 jacks 1x 25 high knees
16:32 total time

Did: 8.33 mi @ 8:23/mi + 10-min bodyweight workout
What a great Track Tuesday!! Had several in the early morning group and got to go to the Furman track for a second week in a row. The campus is now officially open and it's faaaabulous to be back! We even ran right by a FuPo (Furman Police) car and they did nothing so I take that to mean we are tooootally good. :)
Ran 3x1mi repeats with fantastic consistency: 7:03 ,7:02, 7:02
Finished with a Hot 400m at 1:23 🔥

Got home and did the day's bodyweight workout:
40 RFT: 5 gorilla hops + 5 mountain climbers (R+L=1)
Finished in 11:01

Did: 15-min bodyweight workout
Work got in the way of doing a longer workout today, but got the day's assigned bodyweight workout done:
AMRAP in 15 min: 5 pushups + 5 flutter kicks (R+L = 1) + 5 Russian twists (R+L = 1)
Total of 34 rounds!

Did: 5.75 mi @ 8:58/mi avg + 10-min bodyweight workout
The usual Altamont crew was out this morning for an early climb. Tough as always, but love getting this one done each week! 21:11 on the climb, not a PR but a solid effort.
Workout was a quick but tough one especially on Altamont days...
20 RFT: 5 shoulder taps (R+L =1) + 6 jumping lunges (R+L=2) + 7 mountain climbers (R+L = 1)
8:41 total time!

Did: 20-min bodyweight workout + 7.06 mi mountain bike ride
Static Day! Alternate 60 sec wall-sit + 60 sec plank. Repeat 10x (20 min total)
Oooof that was harder than expected! Quads were shaking by the end.

Headed up to Jackrabbit Mountain for a camping weekend and did our traditional sunset ride to SABA Beach right after dinner. Super D was the ride leader and everybody had a great time!

Did: 7.84 mi trail run + 12.7 mi mountain bike ride
Started off the morning with a solo run through the woods on some new trails! These were the "hard" trails that are newly opened at Jackrabbit, and were tons of fun. Lots of up and down!

Post-run coffee :)

I took Super D out with some other families for a short ~3-mi ride before lunch, then in the afternoon did a solo loop on the old trails including a nice view at the top of the orange connector trail.

Did: 5.7 mi mountain bike ride
Got in a quick loop on the new trails before packing up to head home. Really fun jumps, tough climbs, and fast downhills! 

Well I didn't get my full hour of yoga or strength, and I only hit 25 mpw... but definitely got more biking done than I have in, uh, quite a while!

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