Sunday, May 30, 2021

10 Weeks to Spartan Super

It's currently June 1st and I'm just now writing all of last week's blog... ooooops. 🙈

Did: 20-min bodyweight workout
Caught up on a missed workout from last week plus today's assignment:
30-27-24-21-18-15-12-9 reverse sit-ups + 20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6 alternating plank toe taps (L+R = 2) + 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3 touchdown squats
1 min of each: plank, Russian twists, flutter kicks, shoulder taps, reverse crunch, rest
Repeat all, 1 min
Repeat all, 30 sec

Did: 8.37 mi Track Tuesday + 20-min bodyweight workout
6x800 + 400m finisher at the track this morning. It was stickkyyyyy and gross! 
Kept the 800s pretty consistent though - 3:17, 3:17, 3:24, 3:18, 3:23, 3:20
final 400 = 83s
Feels REALLY good to knock out 8+ miles that early in the morning. 

Bodyweight workout:
5 rounds (20 min total): 3 mins repeating 6x jump squats, pushups, up-downs, shoulder taps (L+R=1) / 1 min rest
Completed 4 sets each round, except 5 on the last one = 21 rounds total

Did: 25-min bodyweight workout
Yes, I planned this myself and I don't know why I do this to myself. 
100 Mtn climbers, 90 Russian twists, 80 high knees, 70 air squats w side leg raise (one side only, do the other leg on the way back), 60s plank, 50 skater lunges (R+L=2), 40 shoulder taps (R+L=2), 30 table or towel pull-ups, 20 chair dips, 10 burpees >> then go back up

Did: 5.75 mi Altamont run + 15-min bodyweight workout
The usual climb up Altamont on Thursday was great! Not a PR effort today but can't max it out every week. Solid climb and a beautiful sunrise!

Bodyweight workout:
15 min AMRAP: 3 burpees, 5 pushups, 7 situps
Total 16 reps. Originally wrote this as a 50 RFT and quickly realized that was a DUMB IDEA. 

Did: 15-min bodyweight workout + 1.6 mi run
Changed up the bodyweight workout to something a little fun!
Musical Kickboxing day!
Two moves for each song, switch when it "feels right" with the music. Try to keep the rhythm/pace of the music.
Song 1 ( jack + jab / fast feet
Song 2 ( knee pull-down / low squat punches
Song 3 ( air squats / uppercuts
Song 4 ( Mtn climbers / Russian twists

Did a short run to/from the horse farm, just to get out in the nice cooler weather that arrived!

Did: 9.78 mi @ 7:53/mi avg
OMG this run was hard! I felt like I was barely hanging on for a bit, but I was able to finish the run and felt really good about being able to maintain the speed. That was really tough but I know this is the kind of run that makes me stronger! Thankful for running friends who don't totally leave me in the dust and push me to be better. 

Did: 12-min bodyweight workout

0:00-3:00 = 90s plank, 10 burpees
3:00-6:00 = 25x toe tap plank (high plank position, reach back to your opposite toe with your hand, then back to high plank, alternate sides, R+L=1), 50x high knees (R+L=1)
6:00-9:00 = 40x bicycle crunches (R+L=1), 50 skater lunges (R+L=2)
9:00-12:00 = 2x {10x side plank elbow to knee (10 each side), 20x high/low plank}

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