Sunday, May 30, 2021

10 Weeks to Spartan Super

It's currently June 1st and I'm just now writing all of last week's blog... ooooops. 🙈

Did: 20-min bodyweight workout
Caught up on a missed workout from last week plus today's assignment:
30-27-24-21-18-15-12-9 reverse sit-ups + 20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6 alternating plank toe taps (L+R = 2) + 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3 touchdown squats
1 min of each: plank, Russian twists, flutter kicks, shoulder taps, reverse crunch, rest
Repeat all, 1 min
Repeat all, 30 sec

Did: 8.37 mi Track Tuesday + 20-min bodyweight workout
6x800 + 400m finisher at the track this morning. It was stickkyyyyy and gross! 
Kept the 800s pretty consistent though - 3:17, 3:17, 3:24, 3:18, 3:23, 3:20
final 400 = 83s
Feels REALLY good to knock out 8+ miles that early in the morning. 

Bodyweight workout:
5 rounds (20 min total): 3 mins repeating 6x jump squats, pushups, up-downs, shoulder taps (L+R=1) / 1 min rest
Completed 4 sets each round, except 5 on the last one = 21 rounds total

Did: 25-min bodyweight workout
Yes, I planned this myself and I don't know why I do this to myself. 
100 Mtn climbers, 90 Russian twists, 80 high knees, 70 air squats w side leg raise (one side only, do the other leg on the way back), 60s plank, 50 skater lunges (R+L=2), 40 shoulder taps (R+L=2), 30 table or towel pull-ups, 20 chair dips, 10 burpees >> then go back up

Did: 5.75 mi Altamont run + 15-min bodyweight workout
The usual climb up Altamont on Thursday was great! Not a PR effort today but can't max it out every week. Solid climb and a beautiful sunrise!

Bodyweight workout:
15 min AMRAP: 3 burpees, 5 pushups, 7 situps
Total 16 reps. Originally wrote this as a 50 RFT and quickly realized that was a DUMB IDEA. 

Did: 15-min bodyweight workout + 1.6 mi run
Changed up the bodyweight workout to something a little fun!
Musical Kickboxing day!
Two moves for each song, switch when it "feels right" with the music. Try to keep the rhythm/pace of the music.
Song 1 ( jack + jab / fast feet
Song 2 ( knee pull-down / low squat punches
Song 3 ( air squats / uppercuts
Song 4 ( Mtn climbers / Russian twists

Did a short run to/from the horse farm, just to get out in the nice cooler weather that arrived!

Did: 9.78 mi @ 7:53/mi avg
OMG this run was hard! I felt like I was barely hanging on for a bit, but I was able to finish the run and felt really good about being able to maintain the speed. That was really tough but I know this is the kind of run that makes me stronger! Thankful for running friends who don't totally leave me in the dust and push me to be better. 

Did: 12-min bodyweight workout

0:00-3:00 = 90s plank, 10 burpees
3:00-6:00 = 25x toe tap plank (high plank position, reach back to your opposite toe with your hand, then back to high plank, alternate sides, R+L=1), 50x high knees (R+L=1)
6:00-9:00 = 40x bicycle crunches (R+L=1), 50 skater lunges (R+L=2)
9:00-12:00 = 2x {10x side plank elbow to knee (10 each side), 20x high/low plank}

Sunday, May 23, 2021

11 Weeks to Spartan Super

Goals this week: 
30 mpw (runs/walks/hikes)
full yoga and strength workouts (at least one of each... been skimping)

Did: 3.2 mi run + 15-min bodyweight workout
Decided to put in a few extra miles today and did a couple of loops at Trailblazer park this morning after dropping D off at school. It was beautiful! 

Got home and did the bodyweight workout for the day, which was a fun setup:
"Time of your Life": Start with 25 Russian twists, then look at your watch. Depending on the last digits of the "seconds" do one of the following activities next:
0) 10 pushups
1) 25 air squats
2) 25 gorilla hops
3) 10 up-downs
4) 25 glute bridges
5) 25 tricep dips
6) 25 skater lunges (R+L = 2)
7) 10 pistol squats (R+L = 2)
8) 25 jumping jacks
9) 25 high knees (R+L = 1)
Continue until you've completed 25 activities. Record total time.

I ended up with the following:
3x 10 pushups 5x 25 air squats 3x 25 gorilla hops 2x 10 up-downs 2x 25 glute bridges 2x 25 tri dips 4x 25 skaters 3x 10 pistols 0x 25 jacks 1x 25 high knees
16:32 total time

Did: 8.33 mi @ 8:23/mi + 10-min bodyweight workout
What a great Track Tuesday!! Had several in the early morning group and got to go to the Furman track for a second week in a row. The campus is now officially open and it's faaaabulous to be back! We even ran right by a FuPo (Furman Police) car and they did nothing so I take that to mean we are tooootally good. :)
Ran 3x1mi repeats with fantastic consistency: 7:03 ,7:02, 7:02
Finished with a Hot 400m at 1:23 🔥

Got home and did the day's bodyweight workout:
40 RFT: 5 gorilla hops + 5 mountain climbers (R+L=1)
Finished in 11:01

Did: 15-min bodyweight workout
Work got in the way of doing a longer workout today, but got the day's assigned bodyweight workout done:
AMRAP in 15 min: 5 pushups + 5 flutter kicks (R+L = 1) + 5 Russian twists (R+L = 1)
Total of 34 rounds!

Did: 5.75 mi @ 8:58/mi avg + 10-min bodyweight workout
The usual Altamont crew was out this morning for an early climb. Tough as always, but love getting this one done each week! 21:11 on the climb, not a PR but a solid effort.
Workout was a quick but tough one especially on Altamont days...
20 RFT: 5 shoulder taps (R+L =1) + 6 jumping lunges (R+L=2) + 7 mountain climbers (R+L = 1)
8:41 total time!

Did: 20-min bodyweight workout + 7.06 mi mountain bike ride
Static Day! Alternate 60 sec wall-sit + 60 sec plank. Repeat 10x (20 min total)
Oooof that was harder than expected! Quads were shaking by the end.

Headed up to Jackrabbit Mountain for a camping weekend and did our traditional sunset ride to SABA Beach right after dinner. Super D was the ride leader and everybody had a great time!

Did: 7.84 mi trail run + 12.7 mi mountain bike ride
Started off the morning with a solo run through the woods on some new trails! These were the "hard" trails that are newly opened at Jackrabbit, and were tons of fun. Lots of up and down!

Post-run coffee :)

I took Super D out with some other families for a short ~3-mi ride before lunch, then in the afternoon did a solo loop on the old trails including a nice view at the top of the orange connector trail.

Did: 5.7 mi mountain bike ride
Got in a quick loop on the new trails before packing up to head home. Really fun jumps, tough climbs, and fast downhills! 

Well I didn't get my full hour of yoga or strength, and I only hit 25 mpw... but definitely got more biking done than I have in, uh, quite a while!

Sunday, May 16, 2021

12 Weeks to Spartan Super

I guess we'll call this the start of training for the Spartan Super (race date 7/31/21)?

Did: 16-min bodyweight workout
Really been enjoying planning and executing these little mini strength sessions each day! I think even just the 10-20 mins has been a great consistency builder and has helped make the rest of my runs and such stronger.
Today's was:
50-40-30-20-10 shoulder taps (R+L=1) and air squats
10-20-30-40-50 skater lunges (R+L=2) and sit-ups

Completed in 16:09

Did: 7.56 mi @ 8:36/mi avg Track Tuesday + 15-min bodyweight workout
Got word yesterday afternoon that the FURMAN TRACK IS OPEN AGAIN!!! 💜 Sooooo excited. We got a big group to go to the track this morning and it was so great. We had to go the long way to get to the track due to the gate being closed, but it enabled us to finish the run by going through campus which was such a great homecoming feeling - I didn't realize how much I'd missed running there!
The workout was great, too:
2x 400/600/800 = 1:39, 2:21, 3:17, 1:35, 2:28, 3:20
Hot 400 finisher = 1:22 💥


Bodyweight workout when I got home:
30s each x3 rounds
thread the needle (R), high/low planks, thread the needle (L), Mtn climbers, fast feet, high knees, jumping jacks, sumo squats, touchdown squats, rest

Did: 20-min bodyweight workout
Today's routine was simple but tough! 
25 RFT: 6 pistol squats (R+L=2), 7 pushups, 8 bicycle crunches (R+L=1)

Coach Harley judging my pistol squat form

Did: 7.3 mi @ 9:00/mi avg + 15-min bodyweight workout
The usual Altamont group was all unavailable today, so instead I had S drop me off at Poinsett Park (our usual starting point for the group run) after he took D to school. I ran the usual up to the top of Altamont, and man it was so beautiful! Crisp and clear, you could see sooooo far - all the buildings downtown on one side and way to the foothills of the mountains on the other. Just fantastic! Then I ran the rest of the way home to finish it out. Felt good and strong throughout the run!

"You Made It!"
Bodyweight workout = 31 reps!
15 min AMRAP: 4x each star jumps, Russian twist (R+L=1), shoulder taps, up-downs

Did: 35 min DIY yoga
Impending birthday party and work stress made yoga a much-needed break in the middle of the day. Set the mat outside in the sunshine and got some good stretching done.

Did: 10.8 mi Dupont trail run
What a beautiful morning in the forest! Got to experience some of the favorites - views from Stone Mountain, descent on Rocky Ridge, and Wintergreen Falls. It was amazingly peaceful and quiet, not too many people out, and perfectly cool temperatures. Doesn't get much better!
Stone Mtn views

Wintergreen Falls

sunshine over Wintergreen

Did: 10-min bodyweight workout + 2.9 mi walk
Today's workout was quick but challenging!
50 reverse situps, 40 glute bridges, 30 tri dips, 20 pushups, 10 burpees, (1 min plank hold), then go back up
In the late afternoon I needed some fresh air and time with my thoughts, so I headed out for a walk on the Riverbend trails. Just the ticket! 💚 
A tunnel of trees

Just a path through green

Ok, so I was thinking this was a low mileage week but I was at 28.5 mi for the week including the walk... not bad! Gotta start increasing the mileage a bit so that 50k training isn't a shock to the system. Probably want to be comfortable around the 35 mpw mark going into it. Need to add one more easy running day to the week... 

Monday, May 10, 2021

The week where I PR'd a 5k

Did: bodyweight workout + weights
This was a hurried workout between packing and prepping for a short trip to Florida.

Did: 6.23 mi @ 9:20/mi avg
Ran in Palm Beach along the A1A just after sunrise... was already hot and muggy (surprise surprise). Definitely a slow run for me but I wasn't really in any kind of hurry so just enjoyed the sights and sunrise along the coast as much as I could.

The Intercoastal

Needed a hill...found a bridge.

Did: bodyweight workout
Got this done late at night so the effort wasn't exactly 100%, but after a day of air travel and delayed flights, I needed to get something done.

Got my new outfit from Ellie!

Did: 3.6 mi trail run + bodyweight workout
Ran 3 loops at Trailblazer Park in the morning - so nice to be outdoors and not in the gross Florida heat! Then got the bodyweight workout done at home later that day. 

Did: bodyweight workout
Had to make up the daily workout I missed on Tuesday, so I put 2 together between phone calls and meetings, ended up with a pretty decent workout!

Did: 9.5 mi run
Warmed up with 2.25 mi @ 7:59/mi avg, raced and PR'd a 5k at the Zoom through the Zoo, then got in 4.22 mi @ 8:01/mi avg as a "cooldown" run afterwards. Pretty great morning!
Post-run brunch: Fried chicken biscuit w/ sausage gravy and Boston creme donut
(not pictured: also a beer)
I ate every bite.

Did: bodyweight workout + 0.7 mi hike
Short workout in the morning then enjoyed a leisurely hike (more like nature walk) at Lake Conestee Nature Preserve in the afternoon with family. 

We all look thrilled! LOL

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Race Report: Zoom through the Zoo 5k

So... 2 days ago (Thursday, the last day to register for the race) I decided to sign up for the Zoom through the Zoo 5k, part of the Corporate Shield race series. I hadn't thought much about whether to "race" it or just run it as a nice tempo 5k in the middle of typical longer Saturday miles, but after talking to a training buddy he encouraged me to go for it and offered to pace me, targeting a sub-21:30 (to beat my current PR of 21:32 from the Greenville News Run Downtown in 2014 😵!!!).

Got signed up for the earliest start time (6:30AM) and decided to see what would happen!

Having run this race before, I knew this was a tough course for a PR, so I would have to run smart in order to pull it off. There are some tight turns and a few challenging hills that make this otherwise flat course harder than expected.

The morning was a beautifully crisp 46F (perfection!) and so needed a longer warm-up with a couple of miles to get to the start area. Did a few strides and then lined up about 5 mins before the start. It was a relatively small wave of early birds for the first start time, maybe 20-30 people. They counted us down and we were off! 

First ~2/3 mi starts off pretty flat and goes through Cleveland park on the road. I tried to use this time to settle into a consistent but fast pace, enough to bank a little time knowing worse hills were coming towards the end. Turning off of Woodland Way brought the first challenging climb - almost a full 1/3 mile of gradual uphill, but enough to take the energy right out of you. Finally towards the end of that hill we hit the first mile.

Mile 1 - 6:44

Starting second mile took us back through a mostly flat portion of the Swamp Rabbit Trail through Cleveland Park. I could tell the hill had taken some umph out of my stride, but I tried to stay consistent and keep the energy going. Some slight GI distress held me back a little bit, but stayed as strong as possible through the second mile.

Mile 2 - 6:56

Yep, definitely feeling the fatigue by this point and then came the second of three hills as we departed the road and headed up on the little side trails paralleling the road through Cleveland Park. Knowing this was the last climb before the last climb (lol) helped a little but man, I knew I had to save something for the final climb through the zoo. Held steady, definitely slowed a little coming into the zoo, and gave it all I had heading up the zoo hill. That one was hard, but knowing it was going to end soon and I could coast to the finish was what kept me going! Finally exited the zoo, awkwardly ran across the torn-up parking lot (kind of like gravel) to the final sprint to the finish line. 

Mile 3 - 6:58

I still had enough for the final kick!!

Final Sprint - 5:38/mi

Watch Time - 20:51

My Garmin recorded 3.04 mi as the distance, but who knows how accurate that is... 

Regardless, it's most certainly a PR and was good enough to earn 1st Place Overall Female in the race! 🥳

Of course I didn't have my phone with me and took zero photos, but man, what a race! I was pretty exhausted by the end, feeling the Jello legs, but not like I 100% depleted everything. I probably had some energy left to give, which makes me feel like this was a strong and smart race! Really proud of today's accomplishments!! 😁

Shiny New PR on the old Garmin!

Monday, May 3, 2021

"And you might think I'm weak without a sword, But I'm stronger than I ever was before"

This week's blog title brought to you by the current song on repeat: 

Did: bodyweight workout
This one took 30 mins! 12 Days of Xmas style with lots of reps... day 1 was a 60-second plank hold. That one got hard after 12 reps!

Did: Track Tuesday + bodyweight workout
Another great morning at the track. Did a bit of a downward ladder style:
1 mile = 7:03 (wheeee! haven't been close to a 7-min mile in a while)
2x 1k = 4:20, 4:18
2x800 = 3:24, 3:26
2x400 = 1:30, 1:26
That sunrise though!

Did: bodyweight workout + 7 mi hike
Had an opportunity to take a morning hike with Robin and pup Ruby! We did the Table Rock Trail all the way to the top and it was so fantastic... a hard steep climb but boy the view was so rewarding. 

Did: 5.75 mi Altamont + bodyweight workout
I wasn't sure how the Altamont climb would be this morning, and it definitely wasn't my fastest but also not as terrible as I thought after yesterday's hike! The pistol squats during my little workout routine afterwards, however, were suuuuuper tough. 😳

Did: bodyweight workout + 1.5 mi easy run
Got my bodyweight workout done then took an afternoon easy out and back (with a walk in the middle) to test out some new shoessss I got! Deemed them worthy of the Saturday Long Run and was happy with that. 

Did: 10.05 mi @ 7:58/mi avg
Uhhh I can't believe I ran 10 miles that fast. Wow. That's what I get for running with a speeeedy group of people early in the morning! What a great feeling though. Great morning and great company as always.

Did: 4.8 mi stroller run + 4.6 mi hike to Sassafras Mtn 
Got in some stroller miles around Cleveland Park in the morning, then took a group on the sunset Sassafras hike at night. So fun, even though it was cloudy and not that great of a sunset... still worthwhile and hopefully will get to go again soon!