Monday, March 29, 2021

Spartan Sprint Training - Week 9/11

Did: RF Day 1 + 60 min Power Flow w/ Hyejin
Decided to start on a third cycle of the Ryan Fischer 4-week program. Because why not! Cut another minute and a half off of last round for this workout, got 15 mins flat for the 50 reps. 
Did Power Flow outside at lunchtime which was nice! She focused on more challenging holds and balances today which was a good change of pace. Managed a decent sugar cane along with a few others. 
Sugar Cane

Flying crow

Warrior III with steeple grip

Most people call this "Dancer" but we learned today it's actually "Standing Bow Pulling Pose" 

This is actually Dancer pose 😳

Floor Bow

Did: 6.22 mi @ 9:08/mi + RF Day 2
A stressful morning made this one an Altamont #10kTuesday. 
Some days you need a mountain to solve problems (or temporarily run from them).

Did: RF Day 3 + some arms weight training
Didn't have the time for a full class today, so did a little bit of arm strength on my own. It was enough to make them sore the next day so 🎉.

Did: 3.0 mi @ 8:57/mi avg + RF Day 4
Again short on time but needed to get a few miles in for the stress management. 

Did: RF Day 5
I'm writing this blog late so I don't actually remember what any of the RF workouts were. But I know I did them.

Did: 9.2 mi trail run + RF Day 6
Got to spend a morning on the trails and it was PERFECT omg. 😍 Started out just before sunrise so needed some headlamps to light the way. Trails were wet so hopping on rocks to get through the streams and puddles became a futile activity and splashing straight through them became child-like and joyful. Like, water up to my knees, didn't care, just wade through it. SO FUN. Reached the cliff side with the sprinkling water falling over it just as the sun peeked above the ridgeline in the distance. Just wow. 
These pics never do it justice... 

Storms from previous days made for great rushing water

Completed the RF workout when I got home. It was all abs, but not too terrible. 

Did: Soul Sculpt w/ Candler
Good sculpt class on Sunday morning. Finished with something called tuck jump burpees which were TONS OF FUN as you might imagine. 😵

Monday, March 22, 2021

Spartan Sprint Training - Week 8/11

Did: RF Day 22 + 3.75 mi trail run
Started mid-morning with RF Day 22 workout - this was a tough one and my arms were jello by the end! Cut about 1.5 mins off of my time from the first round though, so that was an accomplishment. 
After lunch I went to Trailblazer park (where I usually do my Tuesday track workouts) and ran the cross-country trails there. I'd never been before, but they're pretty nice! A little over a mile per loop with a couple of punchy little hills thrown in.

Did: RF Day 23 + 6.26 mi @ 8:31/mi #10kTuesday
Rain rain rain ALL DAY. I'd been keeping an eye on the radar hoping for a break all morning (didn't happen). I got the RF workout done right after lunch and then had a few work meetings that prevented me from going out to run when it actually did stop raining for a bit. So I ended up going out in the pretty steady rain and 45F temps. 
Just suck it up and do it.

Absolutely soaked. 

Did: 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Alysia + RF Day 24
Did these workouts in immediate succession which was difficult, but thankfully not terrible. Felt good to do sculpt again since it's been a couple of weeks. 
When your mani matches your workout leggings tho 💚💅

Did: 60 min Power Flow w/ Marsha + RF Day 25
Great message with Marsha's class today. She talked about the need to stop looking for external factors to change in order to achieve peace... that true peace comes from looking within and finding it there.  "Running from your problems is a race you can't win. The only way out is through, and the only way through is in." 
Working on Flying Crow

Definitely better at regular Crow pose

AND THEN after that class, I did the RF workout and mannnn this one has to be the worst one. You start with 4 reps each of skater lunges, plank toe taps, sumo squats, and up downs. Then you add 2 reps to each on the next set. And so forth. For 15 minutes. Rest 2 minutes, then start with however many reps you finished with on the way up... and go down by 2s, seeing if you can do it faster than 15 mins. 
14:40 up / 13:36 down

Did: 7.16 mi @ 7:54/mi avg + RF Day 26
Original plan was to run Altamont early, but arrived at the parking lot and Matt said he was not feeling up for it, so we went for an "easy" run on the Swamp Rabbit instead. Sure, if you call sub-8 average pace a nice walk in the park! 😳 Still had the climb up from Poinsett Park around the bottom of Paris Mtn which was no easy task to start and end the run with. Perfect weather this morning, though!
RF workout once I got home and fueled up with some coffee... wasn't bad but the massive amount of chair dips definitely made the triceps and shoulders burrrnnnn.

Did: 5.3 mi hike
Had a lovely morning in the Green River Game Lands near Hendersonville! It was an ambitious hike but we had a great time and D did pretty well with the decently long distance. 
Out in nature! 😁

Some small cascades

Creekside hiking

A little tired when we reached the first ridgeline view

Found a cool "tree" that we carried for a few miles.

Creek crossings 

Trillium in bloom!

Log bridge crossing

Stair Step Falls

Cool bridges

Double-track hiking and clear blue sky above

Vineyard for lunch. So hungry!

Did: 8.23 mi @ 10:22/mi stroller run + RF Day 27
D and I got to run with John on his longest run ever 🎉 An out and back on the Swamp Rabbit with a stop at the Cafe for a snack was just right for the nice sunny but breezy morning. 
Finished the 4-week RF program at home!

25 mpw running + 5 mi hiking = 30 mpw on the legs. Pretty solid week!

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Spartan Sprint Training - Week 7/11

Starting off the week feeling sniffly and congested... hoping it won't derail things too much!

Did: part of RF Day 15
Attempted the RF workout for the day and got about halfway through before the head congestion made me too dizzy and lightheaded to continue. There was a little too much up/down movement combination (wall walks - which I attempted but then converted to pike pushups after about 5 reps, squats, situps). 

Did: 6.32 mi + RF Day 16 and the rest of Day 15
Skipped the early track workout due to lingering sinus headache but felt okay enough for a midday 10k run around the neighborhood. It was strange to run during daylight on a weekday but felt nice to get out in the sunshine warmth!
What's this warm, bright thing in the sky?

Felt good enough in the afternoon to finish up the rest of Day 15 and Day 16 of the RF program.

Did: RF Day 17
Still keeping workouts lowkey til I feel 100% better, but got Day 17 done - lots of planks and abs!
Plankity plank plank

Did: 5.66 mi Altamont run + RF Day 18
Decided to get up and out for the dawn run up Altamont, felt pretty good! Close to a PR today (Strava says it was, but... my manual lap timing says I was a few seconds shy) - 21:44 (PR is sitting right around 21:40 based on my own timing... Strava says differently).
Regardless, it was a good run and the sun was rising when we finished! Glad to get one more early run in before I have to miss for about a month (Scott is traveling for work the next 3 weeks, so no early runs for me). 
Pretty sunrise as I returned to the 'hood.

RF Day 18 wasn't too bad - good bit of core work but nothing terrible.

Did: RF Day 19
Took this one outside in the nice warm sun... and boy did it get warm! I managed 7 reps per 3 minute set for the first 4 then squeezed in 8 on the last one. Whew!

Did: 8.3 mi @ 8:19/mi avg
Ran with some fast people this morning and totally pooped out at the end. That's what I get for under-fueling the day before. Ah well, lesson learned, and definitely pushed myself... next time, properly fueled, I could proooobably have held onto the pace (which was sub-8:10, even some sub-8 miles) for the full 10-mi loop. Definitely one way to get faster is to run with people faster than you!
Still got my post-run coffee...

...and delicious breakfast!

Did: 2.46 mi biking at Gateway Park + RF Day 20
D and I met Scott at Gateway Park for a little family time at the pump track. D took us on many many loops around the 'big jumps' and enjoyed a nice morning together. 
In the evening I completed the Ryan Fischer workout which was 100 total clapping pushups, with a break for 20 jumping jacks at the top of every minute. I did them on my knees and it was definitely not graceful at all. Whew!

Monday, March 8, 2021

Spartan Sprint Training - Week 6/11

Did: RF Day 8 + Soul Sculpt w/ Kerilyn
Got the daily Ryan Fischer workout done a bit before sculpt class started - it was a short-ish workout today so not too bad. Then sculpt class was tough as always!

Did: 6.99 mi Track Tuesday + RF Day 9
Started off the morning with the Track Tuesday crew. I did 600s and 100s and felt pretty darn good & fast today, despite the 10 mph wind gusts. 
6x600: 2:22, 2:35, 2:30, 2:31, 2:30, 2:30 (Soooo I guess I went out too fast on the first one, wasn't quite recovered on the second one, and settled into a consistent pace for the rest!)
4x100: 20s, 20s, 18s, 20s
Again, pretty consistent once I found my pace!
Did Ryan Fischer when I got home and mannnn that was a tough one. I only had to rest from the 10-min plank hold 5x which I felt pretty good about, but pistol squats after a track workout were hard!

Did: RF Day 10 + 60 min Power Flow w/ Karina
Not too bad on the Ryan Fischer workout today, although frustratingly I finished it in exactly the same time as I did the first round! 15:04
Good yoga sesh with Karina, felt strong and focused.

Did: 5.65 mi Altamont climb + RF Day 11
Not a PR climb today (21:40) but still pretty strong! Definitely felt like walking a couple of times on the way up, but told myself 1) it would be even harder to start again and 2) walking really doesn't make it suck any less overall. 
Completed Day 11's workout after I took D to school and I must say, jumping lunges are challenging after running up a big hill!

Did: RF Day 12 + Soul Sculpt w/ Katie
Today's RF workout: 250 up-downs (like a burpee, minus the push-up and the jump). I managed to get them done in 14:10 which I felt pretty good about!
Then did Sculpt class which was a great workout and "extra cardio" today. Whew!
Harley helped me with my up-downs

Did: 9.65 mi trail run
Decided today was a great day for a solo run at Dupont, and I was 100% right! Got up and out at a decent time (but not crazy early) and enjoyed some chilly temps and sunshine that was absolutely perfection. I've had some drainage/coughing going on the past few days, which I could definitely feel while breathing the cold air, but I still felt pretty good through the almost 10 miles on the trails. Plus, I climbed to the highest point in Dupont!
Recent controlled burn

Stone Mtn Trail

Much less overgrown than the other time I've been here (mid-summer)

Still icy towards the top!

That view! 😍

Post-run choccy milk. 🙌

Did: RF Day 13
Had a mostly lazy Sunday but got the RF workout done for the day. Time was about 4 minutes faster than the first round, so a solid improvement on that front!
Did a good bit of yardwork, too, which was nice being outside although I'm paying for it now because there's apparently lots of tree pollen in the air. 😣 Hoping it'll pass in a few days (the sneezing and congestion part... I know the pollen won't be going anywhere soon!). 

Lighter on the miles this week overall, but feeling good about the consistency and that I'm doing the right kinds of exercises to get me to that finish line in a few weeks!

Monday, March 1, 2021

Spartan Sprint Training - Week 5/11

Starting round 2 of the Ryan Fischer bodyweight workout program this week. Excited to see how it compares to last time through!

Did: RF Day 1 + 60 min Power Flow w/ Hyejin
Ok, so first day of round 2 went really well! Halfway through I started to think I was doing something wrong because it seemed so hard and didn't think I would have even made it through the first time 4 weeks ago... but I guess it was reasonable because I took almost 2.5 minutes off my time!

Then got an hour of yoga done which was a nice stretch but surprisingly challenging with some longer holds. I held crow pose for 20 seconds today!

Did: 7.23 mi Track Tuesday + RF Day 2
Not a super fast morning at the track but got in 3 good mile repeats (7:20, 7:17, 7:22). Stayed up late for work stuff last night so didn't feel like pushing the speed much today. At least it wasn't raining though!
Did Day 2 of Ryan Fischer mid-morning and got up to 24 reps (vs. 20 reps from the first time around). Feeling good about progress there!

Did: RF Day 3, 60 min Soul Sculpt, 5.08 mi trail run
Ok, I didn't mean to go that hard today... I had RF & sculpt on the plan for the day and that would have been fine, but after the suuuuper sunny and nice weather yesterday I decided to take the opportunity for a little trail time and OH MAN IT WAS AMAZING. It made me so thankful that I have the strength and the fitness to just be able to go do things like that without really thinking "hmmm do I have the energy for that? Will I make it?"  Nope, I knew I'd be fine (tired, yes, but totally doable). 

Harley helped show me proper sit-up form.

I decided to go finish the hike that we didn't complete on Sunday, and man oh man it was worth the climb!
It's sunny! And warm! I'm outdoors! So excite!


The views were amazing


A path in the woods.

It was a HARD climb. I did not do much running going up those hills. But coming down was certainly nice!

Did: 5.6 mi Altamont run, RF Day 4, 60 min Power Flow w/ Marsha
Thought about doing something other than Altamont this morning but decided to stick with tradition and go for it anyway. Glutes were SORE but didn't bother me much during the run. It wasn't a PR climb today but amazingly felt better than expected. 22:31 for the climb time!
Later in the morning completed Day 4 of Ryan Fischer program (slower this time... 25:22 vs. 24:23 last time) then an hour of yoga w/ Marsha.

Did: 60 min soul sculpt + RF Day 5
Not too tough today, which is probably good considering the pace of workouts I've been keeping the past couple of days! 

Did: 10.5 mi @ 8:06/mi + RF Day 6
Got out for an early loop downtown at a pretty darn good pace if I do say so! It sprinkled on us a little but nothing more than a mist, and the temps in the mid-40s were juuust right. Great morning pounding the pavement! Got home and finished up the first week of Ryan Fischer (all abs!). Woohoo!

Did: 4.17 mi @ 9:57/mi avg
Took advantage of the gooooorgeous weather and went downtown to Cleveland park with D in the morning. We stroller-ed to a playground via the SRT, met up with Grannie & Peepa, and they took him while I got in a couple more miles solo. I also got to play around on the pull-up bars and monkey bars at the playground! Good Spartan training. 

Pullups while D plays in the volleyball sand.


Feels like this was a really good week!