Thursday, December 30, 2021

I signed up for a marathon

So I did it... I made a decision and I registered for the Tobacco Road Marathon in Cary, NC on Sunday, March 20th, 2022. 

eeeeeeeeeeeek 😬

Got the beginnings of a plan laid out (my favorite part of signing up for a new race is planning out the training calendar!)... excited to tackle this Big Scary Goal!!
Yikes, only 11 weeks away!

Anyone who cares, I'll be posting stuff to my public insta @run_trek_savasana

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Just getting to the end of the year - Week 3/4

Did: 12 Days of Yeti Day 7 (oops I got off count last week somehow... oh well) + 20 min bodyweight workout
So, today's Yeti challenge was not running-related; we're supposed to choose something new to learn in the near future. Since I was gifted a lovely plant from a friend for Christmas, I have decided to learn how to not kill plants and actually tend to growing, living things. I would love to have a house full of plants and I should start with one or two, before I invest a lot of money into pots of brown things (which is what I currently have). 
This is my snake plant; I've named it Kaa. 

Also did bodyweight workouts in the hotel in the morning.
Workout 1 in 7:37 - 30 RFT: 5 gorilla hops + 5 mountain climbers (R+L=1)
Workout 2 in 10:57 - 30 RFT: 5 pushups + 5 situps 

Did: 6.26 mi @ 9:44/mi avg #10kTuesday
Runnin' in the Florida heat is slowwwwww man. Still, the greenway that I'd found was pleasant enough in the morning! 

12 Days of Yeti challenge today was to send a handwritten note to someone... I haven't done this yet. But I will!

Did: 1.5 mi walk 
Lonnnggggg day of traveling from Florida to Boone, NC - I walked from the hotel to dinner, which was as much exercise as I could muster for the day. Plus, it was cold!

Did: About 8 hours of skiing + 25 minute treadmill walk
Whew, what a day! First time taking D skiing, and first time in about 15 years for me... that was an exhausting day, but so much fun. 

I also walked on the hotel treadmill after we got back post-dinner, because apparently skiing does not register as taking very many steps!

Did: 3.5 mi run
I'd intended to do the 75% 10k tonight, but just didn't have it in me (mentally). Got tired and decided to walk a bit at the end and enjoy the unseasonably warm Christmas Eve weather. Quite peaceful.

Did: 12 Days of Yeti Day 12 (90 minute out-and-back run)
Got up earrrrly to get this one done before the day's festivities got started... ran out-and-back towards TR on the Swamp Rabbit Trail and ended up increasing pace on the return trip by about 1:15/mi... felt good to run fast, and again quite unseasonably warm!
Rewarded with this sunrise on the way home

Part of Day 11's assignment was to "create your own sticker"... I ordered mine and am quite excited about them! I love me some stickers! 😁

Did: 2 mile walk
Took a lazy day today and walked laps at Runway Park while D played. It was a beautiful, unseasonably warm day!

Yeti days left to make up:
Day 8 - write a letter
Day 9 - slowest mile
Day 10 - 100% 5k
Day 11 - 75% 10k

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Just getting to the end of the year - Week 2/4

[Written 12/25] Yep, continuing to catch up on the ol' blog on Christmas day. Let's see what I can remember... 

This week begins the 12 Days of Yeti Challenge (starts Tuesday)!

Did: 2.1 mi run + 10 min bodyweight workout
Got up and out early for a few miles in the neighborhood before doing the workout:
30 RFT: 5 pushups + 5 jump squats (10:31)

Tomorrow starts 12 Days of Yeti!

Did: 6.68 mi Track Tuesday + 12 Days of Yeti Day 1 (1 mile slow walk = 34:54)
Started out the day with Track Tuesday, 3x1mi (6:52, 6:46, 6:46) - felt great to be back out and running fast!
First day of 12 Days of Yeti: 1 mile very slow walk
Decided to take a walk around the neighborhood to look at Christmas lights with D.

Selected my banned book and a soundtrack to listen to for the 12 Days of Yeti challenge.
Banned Book


Did: 26 min bodyweight workout + 12 Days of Yeti Day 2 (30 minute out-and-back = 3.3 mi)
Workout 1 in 10:48 - 40-30-20-10 jumping jacks + sit-ups; then 10-20-30-40 mountain climbers (R+L = 1) + tricep dips
Workout 2 - 5 min sets, 30 sec each of: touchdown squats, flutter kicks, reverse sit-ups, gorilla hops, fast feet, star planks, lateral lunges, Russian twists, plank, rest. Do 3 sets (15 min total).
Ran out 15 minutes, then turned around and headed home... I was too quick on the return and added some extra distance, still made it back right on the 30-minute mark.

Also listened to another soundtrack

Did: 7.44 mi Altamont from CVS side (12 Days of Yeti Day 12 - do your favorite route in reverse)
So I did a different take on the "favorite route in reverse" assignment... since Altamont is already an out-and-back route, we decided to run from the opposite side of the mountain. Slightly longer, a few steeper parts, but overall more rolling. Was definitely tough, and a good challenge to add to the mix!

And another soundtrack

Did: 12 Days of Yeti Day 5 (5 mile run) + bodyweight workout
Assignment for the day was a 5 mile run, so I joined the early downtown group for the Friday Five run which was a great chance to see and run with people I don't often see! 
Did bodyweight workout when I got home:
AMRAP in 12 min: 5 pushups + 5 flutter kicks (R+L = 1) + 5 groiners

After that it was time to pack up and fly out for a week of Christmas visits with family in Florida and a short ski trip!

Did: 12 Days of Yeti Day 6 (1 mile 100% effort) - did within a 4-mile run
Ran to the beach to meet Scott & D, and once I'd reached the road that parallels the shore, I did a 1 mile 100% effort (because running towards the shore = headwind!). Ended up with a mile at 6:34, which is not far from my official mile PR of 6:30. Happy with that one!

Did: 12 Days of Yeti Day 7 (3 mile progression walk) + bonus mile
Today's assignment was to walk 3 miles and make each one faster than the previous one. Success!

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Just getting to the end of the year - Week 1/4

Given how crazy the rest of the year will be, I'm giving myself a "pass" on training for anything while I manage to get through the end of the year. Because, of course, on New Year's Day, everything starts fresh and all the stress and stuff on the To-Do list goes away, right?? 🤡


Did: 4 mi EZ + 15 min bodyweight workout
Got out for an easy 4 miles on the swamp rabbit trail in the morning. I've really enjoyed these easy miles, listening to podcasts as I run, and just moving the legs at whatever pace feels good.

"12 Days of Xmas"-style, everything is R+L=1
1 30s plank, 2 jump squats, 3 pushups, 4 tri dips, 5 sumo (wide-leg stance) squats, 6 high knees, 7 shoulder taps, 8 glute bridges, 9 spiderman abs (high plank position, bring knee up to touch elbow), 10 mtn climbers
14:55 total time
Shoulders definitely felt that last round!

Did: 6.37 mi @ 8:02/mi avg
Track Tuesday with the downtown crew! Was chillier than I expected it to be, but got in 2x 1mi at a good pace (7:09, 7:03).

Did: 60 min Virtual Power Vinyasa w/ Karina + 10 min bodyweight workout
Virtual live-stream yoga again, this time Karina's noon class - it was tough! Lots of shoulder work with dolphin and planks, plus some good balance postures (airplane, half-moon, crescent twist). 
Harley was obtrusive for a bit.


Side plank w/ toe hold


Half Moon - still have to work on looking up at my top arm!

After yoga, finished with a 10-minute AMRAP of 3 jump squats, 2 pushups, and 1 burpee = 31 rounds done!

In the evening, took a long walk in the neighborhood after quite a stressful workday. 

Did: 6.6 mi Altamont point-to-point
Decided on a wild idea this morning with the group on Altamont - we ran all the way over! 

The back side is less steep but stretches out longer and is a tough descent after that climb. Fun way to change things up!

::sings:: "All I want for Christmas is to... catch up on my blogs." 🎵 
(dated 12/25/21...yes, that's how far behind I am)

Did: 18 mins bodyweight workouts + 3.8 mi run/walk
Got the bodyweight workouts done during the day, and ended up with a nighttime run/walk around Furman's campus. It was quite peaceful in the misty rain!
Workout 1 in 7:59
core set! 30-27-24-... russian twists, 20-18-16-... crunches, 10-9-8-... spiderman abs (all down til you get to 3-2-1 reps)
Workout 2 in 8:52
25 RFT: 4 shoulder taps, 4 jumping jacks, 4 tri dips

Did: Milliken Earth Run 5k
Enjoyed a morning at the Milliken campus for our home-court cross country 5k (FINALLY) after being delayed over 1.5 years due to COVID. Pretty decent pace even though I wasn't necessarily trying to "race".

Did: 4.22 mi run + 12-min bodyweight workout
Just a short run through the neighborhood in the afternoon, plus bodyweight workout.
12:18 for the workout - 
150 up-downs, 100 russian twists, 50 air squats

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Another recovery week I guess?

Big events out of the way and not sure what's next... guess we'll call this Recovery Week Part Deux. 

Did: 1.75 mi walk
Not time for much else... just a walk at work.
Fountain rainbow 🌈

Did: 6.4 mi Track #10kTuesday
Back at the track with the downtown crew! Felt pretty good on 6x 600m.
Skipped the Hot 400 because... everyone was feeling a wee bit lazy. 

Did: 30 min bodyweight workouts + 3.3 mi trail run
Starting back on the bodyweight workouts because it needs to happen! Did two today:
1) Each round is: 5 push-ups + 6 high-knees + 7 mountain climbers; repeat 20 rounds
= 10:02
2) 30-27-24-21-18-15-12-9 reverse sit-ups + 20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6 alternating plank toe taps (L+R = 1) + 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3 single-leg glute bridges (L+R=1)
= 11:51
Then finished up with some arms weights. 

Was able to run the 5k course after work and watched a beautiful sunset as I finished and drove home!

Did: 5.8 mi Altamont run
Back on the mountain this morning with a new person joining us! Always fun to add more folks to the crowd (if you can call 4 people a crowd lol). Been a few weeks since I've done this climb so it felt tough but I never regret getting out there early!

Did: 30 min bodyweight workout
Got this done in the evening after work while watching a movie with Super D. Not a super-focused workout but got it done. Two core-focused workouts felt good!
Workout 1: 
1 min of each: plank, Russian twists, flutter kicks, shoulder taps, plank jacks, rest
Repeat all, 1 min
Repeat all, 30 sec
Workout 2:
AMRAP in 15 min: 5 pushups + 5 flutter kicks (R+L = 1) + 5 Russian twists

Did: 60 min Power Vinyasa yoga w/ Marsha
First time attending an in-person class at Soul Yoga, and it was everything I've been missing with my yoga practice. It felt so good to be immersed in the heat, with the music and the meditative words from Marsha. Her message today was about thinking back over the past year (as we often do when coming towards a year's end) and we get to asking ourselves "Did I accomplish everything I wanted to? Did I read enough books? Did I meet my financial or fitness goals?" and we become Human Doings instead of Human Beings. So she talked about acceptance and being... for all that it encompasses, imperfections and shortcomings, everything that we did or didn't get done. It's all part of the experience and it's what makes us human.

Did: 10.04 mi @ 7:54/mi
Got out for some early miles on the Doodle Trail this morning for a change of scenery. Turned out to be a nice speedy run and felt awesome!

25 miles for the week, so another low-mile week. Really loved getting back to the track, doing some in-person hot yoga, and getting back to strength workouts. Woot!

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Recovery Week

It's Thanksgiving week and after 2 solid weekends of BIG EVENTS, I'm using this week as a recover/assess what I want to do next. I have ideas but I'm not quite sure I'm ready to commit to anything yet. Part of me wants to double down on Spartan-centered training, join a climbing gym, and get really good & strong at doing obstacles. Another part wants to use the mileage and speed I've built to go for a Boston qualifying time. I know either one will require even more focus and commitment. I'm giving myself time through the holidays to just feel things out and hopefully before the end of the year I'll make some kind of decision.

I did sign up for the 12 Days of Yeti (though I missed the first 200 spots where we would get a pom pom hat... so bummed!). This year they are sending out the full schedule at the beginning (vs. last year where each day's workout was a surprise given the night before). That starts December 14th. 

I'll also do my usual Run Streak from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day.   Ooops I forgot to run on Friday after Thanksgiving.... so I guess the streak is out. 🙈😂🤦

Did: 60 min Power Vinyasa + 4 mi EZ run @ 9:20/mi
Dropped D off at school and got out for a few easy miles on the SRT - this has become one of my favorite routines to get in some extra mileage. I then signed up for a midday virtual yoga class that was quite good... man I am out of practice but it felt great to get back into it! I hope I can maintain this routine.

Did: 6.4 mi @ 8:05/mi
#10kTuesday in the early morning hours - decided to skip track workout for one more week since I feel like I'm still recovering, but the pace clearly shows that I'm allll good! I felt like I was struggling and thought "oh I guess my legs are still tired" but it appears that I was just moving faster than expected. I'll take it!

Did: 45 min strength + 1.8 mi walk + 4.05 mi bike ride
Actually did a solid 45 minute strength training session - man it's been a while! Got some kettlebells, some weights, some core work, jump rope, a little bit of everything. 
Took a nice walk in the afternoon once I'd wrapped up working for the day - very nice.
In the evening we met a friend and her daughter (close to D's age) for a short bike ride to TR for dinner at Sidewall Pizza. It was chilly but a fun little ride!

Did: Turkey Day 8k - 4.96 mi @ 8:09/mi avg

Scott and I had a good run at the Turkey Day 8k! We offered to have D go with us in the stroller but he opted to hang out with Grannie & Peepa instead. We dropped him off then headed to the start area where we ran into several friends. As much as I dislike the crowdedness and chaos of large races, it is fun to see lots of people we know!
The race started just after 8am and we headed off on the route. It went pretty steadily up Main Street, down Broad Street, and into Falls Park near the zoo. The 8k and 5k courses split just before the zoo parking lot... the 5k turned across the bridge to the other side of the Reedy while the 8k continued down towards the zoo. The course took a little out-and-back near the tennis courts and it was fun to see all the fast folks ahead of us. 
We continued around the end of the park, then the trouble started when we merged back in with the 5k course. We'd been maintaining about an 8:15 pace for the whole race and now we were merging into a huge crowd of folks walking... what a ridiculous cluster!! Dodging around people walking or slowly jogging, and then coming to a complete stop when everyone bottlenecked to get over a teeny stone bridge (which on a good day two people can't comfortably pass one another). Insanity!
The crowds didn't really thin out as we went through a water stop and more narrow trail... finally exited the park and got back onto the road which made it a bit better, with about half a mile remaining. 
I'm definitely glad I decided not to "race" this one... would have been incredibly frustrating to try to make a specific time with all the "traffic"!

Did: 1.5 mi walk + 10.8 mi bike ride
Spent the middle part of the day at Lake Conestee Nature Park with the family, and between playground and playing soccer in the big field, I got out for a short solo walk on the trails. 

In the evening, we met up with a group of friends for a fun night ride to get tacos at a yummy taco truck. Started from home, rode down the Swamp Rabbit trail to Swamp Rabbit Cafe & Grocery for a beer stop, then onto the taco truck near the Pupuseria La Estrella on 183. The tacos were yummy and we then headed to Southernside Brewing for the final stop of the night. I drove home in the car we'd left there earlier in the day while Scott rode home with friends. A fun night!
Night riiiiiide :)

So fun!

D had his pants on backwards the whole time

Did: 9.77 mi @ 8:32/mi avg
Did the Batman route with the downtown group - nice brisk pace in the nice brisk morning chill! Nice to do some fast road running for a change. 😁

Did: 2.6 mi hiking + 15 min core/bodyweight workout
Took D out for a hike at Bunched Arrowhead Preserve in the morning - we haven't gotten to hike lately but had a great time! Did almost 2 full loops (once clockwise, the other a reverse loop) which I was surprised D was pretty enthusiastic about. Beautiful place!

In the afternoon I did a short core workout just to add in a bit more strength for the week. 

25 miles for the week, felt good for recovery but ready for more miles next week hopefully!

Monday, November 22, 2021

Spartan Beast Week

Did: 20 min Yoga for Runners
Did this short yoga sequence to stretch out the legs. Not the most thrilling sequence but felt good to stretch out the legs. Still quite sore from the weekend! Also took a short walk at lunch to get the legs moving.
Trees at work are so pretty though!

Did: 6.26 mi @ 8:49/mi
Skipped the track workout today in favor of some easy steady miles. Definitely a good choice - quads were still yelling at me today! Great to get this done early in the morning.

Did: 1 mi walk
Didn't have time for much but got a mile walked in the neighborhood before heading to the office for a busy day in a training class.

Did: 4.66 mi @ 8:20/mi
Hoorayyyy legs are feeling alive again! Got out for some early miles around Furman. Feeling good.

Did: 2 mi walk
Another walk at work after lunch, getting a little nervous for the Spartan Beast tomorrow! 😳

More pretty trees at work

Did: Spartan Beast

Did: 3.26 mi walk
Recovery walk around the neighborhood. Legs feel pretty good, but entire body from the waist up is sooooo sore.