Sunday, December 26, 2021

Just getting to the end of the year - Week 3/4

Did: 12 Days of Yeti Day 7 (oops I got off count last week somehow... oh well) + 20 min bodyweight workout
So, today's Yeti challenge was not running-related; we're supposed to choose something new to learn in the near future. Since I was gifted a lovely plant from a friend for Christmas, I have decided to learn how to not kill plants and actually tend to growing, living things. I would love to have a house full of plants and I should start with one or two, before I invest a lot of money into pots of brown things (which is what I currently have). 
This is my snake plant; I've named it Kaa. 

Also did bodyweight workouts in the hotel in the morning.
Workout 1 in 7:37 - 30 RFT: 5 gorilla hops + 5 mountain climbers (R+L=1)
Workout 2 in 10:57 - 30 RFT: 5 pushups + 5 situps 

Did: 6.26 mi @ 9:44/mi avg #10kTuesday
Runnin' in the Florida heat is slowwwwww man. Still, the greenway that I'd found was pleasant enough in the morning! 

12 Days of Yeti challenge today was to send a handwritten note to someone... I haven't done this yet. But I will!

Did: 1.5 mi walk 
Lonnnggggg day of traveling from Florida to Boone, NC - I walked from the hotel to dinner, which was as much exercise as I could muster for the day. Plus, it was cold!

Did: About 8 hours of skiing + 25 minute treadmill walk
Whew, what a day! First time taking D skiing, and first time in about 15 years for me... that was an exhausting day, but so much fun. 

I also walked on the hotel treadmill after we got back post-dinner, because apparently skiing does not register as taking very many steps!

Did: 3.5 mi run
I'd intended to do the 75% 10k tonight, but just didn't have it in me (mentally). Got tired and decided to walk a bit at the end and enjoy the unseasonably warm Christmas Eve weather. Quite peaceful.

Did: 12 Days of Yeti Day 12 (90 minute out-and-back run)
Got up earrrrly to get this one done before the day's festivities got started... ran out-and-back towards TR on the Swamp Rabbit Trail and ended up increasing pace on the return trip by about 1:15/mi... felt good to run fast, and again quite unseasonably warm!
Rewarded with this sunrise on the way home

Part of Day 11's assignment was to "create your own sticker"... I ordered mine and am quite excited about them! I love me some stickers! 😁

Did: 2 mile walk
Took a lazy day today and walked laps at Runway Park while D played. It was a beautiful, unseasonably warm day!

Yeti days left to make up:
Day 8 - write a letter
Day 9 - slowest mile
Day 10 - 100% 5k
Day 11 - 75% 10k

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