Sunday, December 12, 2021

Just getting to the end of the year - Week 1/4

Given how crazy the rest of the year will be, I'm giving myself a "pass" on training for anything while I manage to get through the end of the year. Because, of course, on New Year's Day, everything starts fresh and all the stress and stuff on the To-Do list goes away, right?? 🤡


Did: 4 mi EZ + 15 min bodyweight workout
Got out for an easy 4 miles on the swamp rabbit trail in the morning. I've really enjoyed these easy miles, listening to podcasts as I run, and just moving the legs at whatever pace feels good.

"12 Days of Xmas"-style, everything is R+L=1
1 30s plank, 2 jump squats, 3 pushups, 4 tri dips, 5 sumo (wide-leg stance) squats, 6 high knees, 7 shoulder taps, 8 glute bridges, 9 spiderman abs (high plank position, bring knee up to touch elbow), 10 mtn climbers
14:55 total time
Shoulders definitely felt that last round!

Did: 6.37 mi @ 8:02/mi avg
Track Tuesday with the downtown crew! Was chillier than I expected it to be, but got in 2x 1mi at a good pace (7:09, 7:03).

Did: 60 min Virtual Power Vinyasa w/ Karina + 10 min bodyweight workout
Virtual live-stream yoga again, this time Karina's noon class - it was tough! Lots of shoulder work with dolphin and planks, plus some good balance postures (airplane, half-moon, crescent twist). 
Harley was obtrusive for a bit.


Side plank w/ toe hold


Half Moon - still have to work on looking up at my top arm!

After yoga, finished with a 10-minute AMRAP of 3 jump squats, 2 pushups, and 1 burpee = 31 rounds done!

In the evening, took a long walk in the neighborhood after quite a stressful workday. 

Did: 6.6 mi Altamont point-to-point
Decided on a wild idea this morning with the group on Altamont - we ran all the way over! 

The back side is less steep but stretches out longer and is a tough descent after that climb. Fun way to change things up!

::sings:: "All I want for Christmas is to... catch up on my blogs." 🎵 
(dated 12/25/21...yes, that's how far behind I am)

Did: 18 mins bodyweight workouts + 3.8 mi run/walk
Got the bodyweight workouts done during the day, and ended up with a nighttime run/walk around Furman's campus. It was quite peaceful in the misty rain!
Workout 1 in 7:59
core set! 30-27-24-... russian twists, 20-18-16-... crunches, 10-9-8-... spiderman abs (all down til you get to 3-2-1 reps)
Workout 2 in 8:52
25 RFT: 4 shoulder taps, 4 jumping jacks, 4 tri dips

Did: Milliken Earth Run 5k
Enjoyed a morning at the Milliken campus for our home-court cross country 5k (FINALLY) after being delayed over 1.5 years due to COVID. Pretty decent pace even though I wasn't necessarily trying to "race".

Did: 4.22 mi run + 12-min bodyweight workout
Just a short run through the neighborhood in the afternoon, plus bodyweight workout.
12:18 for the workout - 
150 up-downs, 100 russian twists, 50 air squats

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