Sunday, September 27, 2020

This is silly, I'm not training for anything.

I don't know why I've kept up the "training" posts. I'm not training for anything. My mileage isn't progressing or following any kind of plan. As much as I crave structure and goals to motivate me, I don't think another demand on my time and energy is what I need right now. I've got a good groove of weekly activities for now and I'm good with it. 

Did: 60 min Power Flow w/ Karina
I usually avoid doing workouts on Mondays since it's my day to help D with his eLearning at home, plus do my usual workday, but today I felt like I just needed to take the hour for myself and do some yoga. It was a good choice.

Did: Track Tuesday, 6.74 mi @ 8:10/mi avg
Matt had to miss out on the track run today, but thankfully another track friend Chris was able to join for the first time since pre-Corona. Definitely good to have another person along those suuuuper dark sections of the Swamp Rabbit Trail so early in the morning.
Did a downward ladder and was fairly pleased with paces... the time per distance doesn't exactly match the detected pace since the distance markers on the track are basically nonexistent. 
1600 @ 7:00/mi = 7:13
1200 @ 7:05/mi = 5:26
800 @ 6:50/mi = 3:31
400 @ 6:23/mi = 1:39

Did: 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Brionna
Yayyyy got another of Brionna's classes in. Super tough class, tons of lunges and squats. Booty's gonna be sore.

Did: 4.21 mi @ 8:35/mi + 60 min Power Flow w/ Marsha
Was planning to run home from dropping D off at school, but as we pulled away from the house it was raining fairly steadily (where did that come from??) and was still dark. I wasn't in the mood for it, so I said no thanks and hopped out. Ran later once the sun came up and the rain (seemed to have) moved out. Got rained on for the last mile = loved it.

Later got in a power flow class with Marsha as the instructor - man I have missed her! She's got good inspirational stories and affirmations throughout the class, plus is always challenging and has new/different things for her students to try. 

Did: 60 min Power Flow w/ Jessica
Lotsa yoga this week! This has become my typical Friday lunch class which I really enjoy. 

Did: 8.42 mi @ 8:49/mi avg
Ran with the downtown group again, this time a slower paced crew (thank goodness) with an easy route out-and-back on the Swamp Rabbit Trail. I think I need to eat more food before I do long-ish runs, because I start to poop out around an hour into the run. I pushed to get past 8 miles but really want to get back to double-digits soon. It'll happen, just need to get my head in the game.

Did: 5.7 mi hike w/ D
Took D out for an ambitious hike at Table Rock - all the way up to Governor's Rock! 
Large Hill

It was a beautiful morning and D did an amazing job climbing this super-technical and very climby trail. He loved making it to the view at the top (or at least the "top" where we turned around) and keeps talking about how he really wants to go all the way to the top of the mountain! Maybe someday soon... here are some pics from our adventures:


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