Saturday, September 26, 2020

"Because Why Not" Half Marathon Training (Week 6/12)

Side note: Uhh yeah I forgot to write in this blog for, like, a week and a half? It wasn't until a friend asked me about it that I realized I never published this blog last week. Oops. Life gets in the way.

Did: nothing
Mondays are busy.

Did: 7.04 mi @ 8:24/mi 
Track Tuesday is back again. Did 5x800 and they were sloowwwww, man I was dragging. Maybe I didn't sleep well? But still, the temps were nice (low 70s and low humidity) so it was good to get out and get done.
3:33, 3:28, 3:44, 3:41, 3:35

Did: 3.28 mi @ 8:27/mi
Ooooohhhhh Garmin has new features on their website:

Took the opportunity this morning to go for a quick 3-miler in between conference calls. It's 63F!! SO NICE. Tackled some hills on this one but otherwise just getting outside.

Did: 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Brionna
I really wanted to go for a run in the hurricane but it's just not happening because my schedule today looks like this:

I had hoped to get out sometime in the 8-930 range but I had IMs and emails and phone calls out the wazoo before 7am and the rest of the day was just shot. Ugh. I did stand firm on my virtual sculpt class even though it meant cutting off a phone call with external lawyers (😬) so now we have a follow-up call scheduled for 5pm today. 😕 BLAH. But the sculpt class was good and awesome to be able to take one of Brionna's classes again since it had been a while.

Did: Power Flow w/ Jessica
Did the first half of a 60-min power flow class virtually with Jessica but the connection kept cutting out and I got annoyed, so I did the last half on my own. Better than nothing.

Did: 9.29 mi run, Part 1 = 8:12/mi pace, Part 2 (cooldown) = 10:35/mi pace
Got myself up early to run with the downtown group and ended up with a group of FAST folks. We ran a 7-mile lollipop down Augusta Rd, through some really nice neighborhoods near Greenville Country Club, then back down Augusta. I was pooped by the end but I know it's what I need to push myself. Did a couple more miles on my own as a cooldown.

Missed these Falls.

Did: 5.28 mi hike - Pinnacle Mtn Trail to Mills Creek Falls spur at Table Rock State Park
Another lovely hike with D, Robin, Dale, and their pup Luna. We got out to Table Rock around 8am and enjoyed a little over 2.5 mile out-and-back to some pretty falls. It was a gorgeous morning, D did great and didn't even complain about being tired until we had just about a quarter mile left. 

Loving these hikes with my best little adventure buddy. 😍

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