Monday, September 14, 2020

"Because Why Not" Half Marathon (Week 5/12)

 Alright, trying to get life back on track post-vacation is always interesting. 

Did: nothing
Air travel all day - exhausting!

Did: 30 min Power Flow w/ Jasmine + 6.22 mi @ 8:34/mi avg #10kTuesday
Tried to get in a yoga workout but technical difficulties caused me to cut it short. Still was nice to do some yoga since I didn't do any last week!

Went out around noon for a 10k in the neighborhood. The cooler morning temps tricked me into thinking this would be comfortable! Plus this was one of my fastest 10ks in a while, so it felt challenging, but good to get it done.

Did: nothing
Full day of work + eLearning Kindergarten!

Did: 5.31 mi @ 8:47/mi avg + 60 min Soul Sculpt w Katie F
Ran home from school drop-off, man it was humid... I was hoping for another taste of nice fallish weather! They keep saying a cold front is rolling through this weekend. Fingers crossed. 

Did Sculpt at lunch... a little bummed because I'd intentionally signed up for Thursday since Brionna usually teaches, but turns out she had a substitute... I do like Katie, though, so it was a good class and a hard push with plenty of squats and lunges. 

Did: 60 min Power Flow w/ Jessica + BMW 2-Miler
Lunchtime yoga with Jessica was nice as usual. She's usually got a good message or mantra to share each week and puts me in a good headspace for the weekend.
In the evening we (Scott ran with me) did the virtual on-course BMW 2-Miler. I didn't have any expectations for the race since I still feel like I'm not back to normal/good speed yet, but it was fun to give a hard push for a couple of miles. Ended up with a time of 14:31 (definitely not my fastest) which was satisfactory, especially with how hot it was. 

Did: 8.31mi @ 9:40/mi avg
Headed out for a run this morning and boy are my legs sore! I guess getting back into the regular running and sculpt and yoga groove this week has hit me pretty hard. Also explains the slower pace, but I'll take it. I got rained on for the last half of the run which was very nice compared to the gross humidity that I started in. 

Did: 1.7 mi walk + 16.8 mi family bike ride
Took a walk with D to try to explore the horse farm trails, but turns out they don't open until 1pm on Sundays. Boo! So we walked back home.
In the afternoon we took a family bike ride on the Swamp Rabbit Trail - to and from The Commons for afternoon refreshments. It was a nice afternoon!

Total Run = 21.8 mi
Not a high mileage week but getting back in the right pattern for working out. Hope to tick up a few more miles next week.

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