Tuesday, September 8, 2020

"Because Why Not" Half Marathon Training (Week 4/12)

Um, well I didn't start a blog last week... oops? If I look at my Garmin, here's a record of what I did and some photos to go with them...

Did: 2.34 mi walk w/ D
Walked to the horse farm with D for "recess" during eLearning.

Did: 7.12 mi @ 8:29/mi avg  Track Tuesday
Finally got over the 7-mile mark for an hour of Track Tuesday! It was stupid humid this morning though. Got a reverse ladder done:
1600m - 7:30
1200m - 5:32
800m - 3:37
400m -  1:41
Not super fast intervals but feeling better about seeing some higher mileage with this speedwork.

Did: nothing
Can't even remember why.

Did: nothing
Traveled all day on an airplane! (3 airplanes to be more precise)

Did: 17.7 mi mountain biking
Went mountain biking in Bend, Oregon! We made a wrong turn and did 17+ miles instead of the intended 13, but it was a great ride and some really fun trails. 

Did: 15.3 mi mountain biking
Did the lower section of the McKenzie river trail (the same trail that Scott and I did when we were here exactly 4 years ago). Beautiful day in the woods - it's all so green and lush!

Did: 6.5 mi run along Deschutes River Trail + 5 more miles walking. 
Morning solo run on a beautiful trail. I couldn't get enough of it! Something about the chilly crisp air, the sunshine, and the rushing water beside me - so perfect.

That rounded out the trip - we traveled all of Monday. It was a great destination to revisit and I hope we get to go again!

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