Sunday, August 30, 2020

"Because Why Not" half marathon training (week 3/12)

Did: nada
First day of eLearning K5 for the kiddo, so after I spent 5 hours on conference calls (😖) I helped him with his online lessons. It rained, too. We did not go outside. 

Did: 6.56 mi @ 8:30/mi avg
It was raining more than I thought it was supposed to this morning, but it was kind of nice to run in the rain. I'm still pretty slow on my intervals but hey, that's what track work is for, right? Getting faster?
400 - 1:44
800 - 3:39
1200 - 5:47
800 - 3:51 (whew, slow)

Did: 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Katie F
Good sculpt but too much legs / not enough arms for my taste. Plus I was a little lethargic on the cardio. But a good sweat and got it done. 

Did: 5.06 mi @ 8:47/mi
Dropped D off for his first day of in-person school then, literally, ran home - pretty cool! Right at 5 miles from one driveway to the other. It was humid and foggy, but was a nice run home through TR. Hopefully I can make this part of a normal routine.

Did: 60 min Power Flow w/ Jessica
I'm liking this Friday lunch class, hoping it continues to work out well with my schedule.

Saturday & Sunday
Did: nothing
Well, crud, I think I'm getting sick. I have spots on my tonsils, though no noticeable sore throat or any other symptom aside from some general fatigue. This always happens when I'm stressed! Ugh. Really do not have time for this right now, but I know I need to rest and not push through it even though I "feel okay". :-/

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