Sunday, August 23, 2020

"Because Why Not" Half Marathon training (Week 2/12)

Starting the week feeling good with 30+ miles under my belt last week!

Planned: 2-4 mi + yoga
Did: 2.33 mi walk w/ D

Did a short walk with D (he actually ran ~1/3 mi with me at the beginning) and enjoyed some trail time together. Didn't get yoga in.

Planned: #10kTuesday
Did: 6.56 mi Track Tuesday + 30 min Power Flow w/ Karina
Met up with track buddy Matt for the first Track Tuesday since March!! We ran at the old TR high school track at 5:30 a.m. and while the 4:30a.m. alarm wasn't awesome, it is always worth it.
Did 4x800 for my workout today - 3:33, 3:34, 3:39, 3:34
Oof the lack of speedwork over the past months is definitely felt.
Sunrise at the track

I also got in half of a Power Flow class before other stuff got in the way (dinner prep, boss needed something urgent. etc). Better than nothing I s'pose!

Planned: Soul Sculpt
Did: 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Katie F
Another great sculpt class! I miss taking Brionna's classes but Wednesdays just work so much better schedule-wise, plus I get things done at lunch time while D is with my parents so I don't feel bad ignoring him while I work out. Lots of shoulder work today

Planned: moderate run + yoga
Did: 5.03 mi @ 8:19/mi avg + 60 min Power Flow w/ Karina
Ok so "moderate" turned into a bit of a tempo, but it felt so nice, so that's ok! After we dropped D off for his half-day "orientation" at school we took the opportunity to run a 5 mi ONB on the Swamp Rabbit before grabbing breakfast at Upcountry Provisions. So nice!

Plusalso, the Pink Elephants on Parade finished our 5000k Great American Relay last night! Placed 11th in our division (co-ed ultra team) and squeaked out before 12th place with just a margin of a few miles. It was an exciting race to the finish!

Got in a solid yoga session after D went to bed tonight which was a nice change, although maybe power flow is a bit too energetic for later evenings.

Planned: yoga
Did: 60 mins Power Flow w/ Jessica
Took this lunch class from a new-to-me instructor and really loved it! She had some great motivational and inspirational thoughts that she shared during class. One that particularly struck me was about taking responsibility for yourself, but taking responsibility does not mean accepting all blame for negative outcomes. Responsibility =/= blame. I like that a lot.

Planned: long run
Did: 10.04 mi @ 9:32/mi avg
A good bit faster but a little less elevation than last week's 10-miler, but happy to get another good long run in!

Planned: XT or easy run
Did: 3.13 mi @ 8:48/mi - Michelin 5k Virtual Race
I've not been a fan of the virtual races lately, but this one was 1) for Corporate Shield and 2) only $5, so I figured, hey it's worth the team points and it's something different. D and I went out Sunday mid-morning to the Michelin Conference Center in Mauldin and completed the virtual-but-on-course event. We even saw a friend from our neighborhood (the mom of a kid D's age) which was super fun! It was pretty warm by the time we finished, but had a nice time and decent pace.

Weekly Miles: 27.1 (24.8 run + 2.3 walk)
Not quite as many as I would have liked, although Friday did include 2 shorter neighborhood walks with D in the rain that probably would have tipped me closer to 28-29 miles total, but neither felt "worthy" of a Garmin tracking. 😜
Physically still feeling good and hoping for another solid week to come.

Also, considering actually signing up for a "virtual" half marathon at the end of this "training" cycle. Not sure yet but we'll see...

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