Monday, August 10, 2020

Week 21

So... I think I'm gonna start a half marathon training cycle next week. Because (1) I feel like I need some structure back in my life and (2) why not? I've missed the motivation of ticking off workouts on a training plan, but I'm not quite ready to dedicate to a full marathon training plan. Ain't nobody (read: me) got time for that right meow.

But for now...

Did: 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Brionna
This was a great mid-morning class! I felt super motivated and energetic. Worked up a great sweat before lunch.

Did: 6.26 mi @ 9:15/mi
Got the 10k done relatively early today, and it was gloriously cool (below 70) and lower humidity than it has been for the past month or so. Amazing! It didn't speed up my pace as much as I'd hoped it might, but I have to remind myself that I haven't been running all that much and I'm still coming back from injury. So I am pretty happy with a low-9 pace. 

Did: 4.04 mi @ 8:46/mi
Mid-morning run and a decent pace! Hooray!

Did: 7.35 mi mountain biking
Long weekend in the mountains with the family, and Scott & I got to go out and ride some local trails together one morning. It was a really tough 3.5 mile loop (we did 2x) with a hard climb for the first half then fun downhill on the way back.

Did: 4.04 mi @ 10:17/mi
Slow run because 1) navigating, 2) looking out for bears, 3) hills. But it was still beautiful!

Did: 12.31 mi mountain biking
Rode at Bent Creek w/ Scott & John, fun time in the woods though definitely muddy from the previous days' rain. Felt surprisingly good considering I'd just ridden 2 days before!

Did: 5.88 mi trail run
Ran a loop at Pleasant Ridge while Scott & D biked, and it felt good to be running on the trail. It was pretty humid, though, so made for some tough and slow climbs.

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