Monday, August 17, 2020

"Because Why Not" Half Marathon training (Week 1/12)

I made up the name myself. Because, why not? 😆

Basic training plan structure:

Monday - easy run (2-4 mi) + yoga
Tuesday - 10kTuesday (with or without tempo miles)
Wednesday - Sculpt
Thursday - speedwork + yoga
Friday - yoga
Saturday - long run
Sunday - XT or easy run

Trying to give myself SOME structure but not overwhelm myself since, y'know, still WFH and we'll be starting kindergarten for D in 2 weeks (😱) and who knows what that will look like. 

Planned: easy 2-4 + yoga
Did: 3.21 mi @ 10:07/mi w/ stroller + 60 min Power Flow w/ Karina

Sweated out some easy miles with the stroller mid-morning. It was super humid and yucky, but at least mostly cloudy so it didn't get too boiling hot while we were out.

Followed it with yoga at lunch which was a nice stretchy stretch since I hadn't done it in about a week. 

Planned: 10kTuesday
Did: 6.26 mi @ 9:45/mi
Ran before dawn (yay!) but it was a slow slog. Maybe running 3 days in a row is why? Whatever the reason, I was tired and my pace showed it. Still feels awesome to be logging more miles though. :)

Planned: Sculpt
Did: 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Katie F
Good sculpt class today, was in a really good headspace for this one and enjoyed it. 

Planned: speedwork + yoga
Did:4.49 mi @ 8:44/mi avg #SpeedworkThursday
Omg I went to a track today! I was reminded of/re-discovered a track in TR that is accessible (no fence) and close to home and free. YAY! It's near Trailblazer Park in TR, and is the track from the old TR High School (which no longer exists on that site but the track & football goals are still there). It certainly isn't a rubberized surface with fancy lane and distance markings, but it does the trick. 
It ain't fancy, but it's a 1/4 mile paved circle. 


I parked at the church in TR next to the Swamp Rabbit trail and ran the ~0.85 mi to the track. 
400 - 1:38
2x800 - 3:28, 3:31
400 - 1:40
It was slow-going for the splits and it felt super hard, but I'm so glad I made it back out there. Now to create some consistency!

Did not get in yoga today - scheduling conflicts with work meetings. Womp womp.

Planned: yoga
Did: 60 min Power Flow w/ Summer
Man I could not get my head in the game for this session. Maybe I was hungry, tired, distracted... I dunno, but I was super lazy with everything today even though it should have been a good challenging session. Ah well, can't beast them all. 

Planned: long run
Did: 10.07 mi @ 9:58/mi
Double-digits for the first time since early May! I didn't quite realize it had been that long. Maybe that's why it was so slow! Still, happy to tick those miles off and enjoy the morning. 

Planned: XT or easy run
Did: 3.8 mi hike at Dupont
Headed out to Dupont with D, Robin, Dale, and their pup Luna. We hiked the Cedar Rock loop (my fave!) and even little D did great on the trails, only complained right near the top (and was fine after a snack). 

Week ending thoughts:
Miles - 31+
Between running, hiking, and walking, I got over the 30-mile mark this week! Man it feels good! I'm also thinking, why am I training for anything right now instead of just sticking with this slightly-more-structured exercise schedule? idk. We'll see.

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