Monday, June 1, 2020

(Not even going to say it) - Week 11

I've decided there's Something Wrong with my hip flexor. It's been a few weeks and still isn't better... although these nagging chronic things usually seem to rear their heads for about a month and then just gradually disappear. I'm going to pay attention to it this week - do some intentional modifications, icing, gentle stretching - and if it's not better by next weekend's long run, I'm seeking some professional help (and I'm writing it down here for accountability). I feel I know all of the symptoms of whatever is "wrong" and they're very likely all interconnected somehow... I'm just not sure what to try to fix first. Weak glutes? Tight hamstrings? Permanently-separated abdominal muscles? Doing too much yoga? Scoliosis? Running on roads (i.e. a slightly off-camber surface) too much?  .... the list goes on.

Did: 5.27 mi @ 11:25/mi run/walk
Did a solo run/walk in the neighborhood just to get out and do something. I'm bummed that it's a holiday and I can't even go out and do a nice long run. It was nice to get out though, and I did my best to run the flats/downhills and walk the uphills to minimize impact on the hip flexor. It actually felt less sore than it has all weekend while I was running on the flats. I think that's justification to keep moving and not go to total rest. Just have to coddle it for a bit.

Did: 6.23 mi @ 8:28/mi avg + Power Flow w/ Karina
Headed to the swamp rabbit trail to try out a flat run and see how my hip flexor did. I got a little excited about running on flat and went WAY too fast for the first couple of miles...
Kept accelerating over the first 2 miles... realized my errors and slowed down for the rest.

So of course, the hip flexor was talking to me the rest of the run. It never hurts so much that I feel like I have to stop running, but it's the "Yep, this is going to bother me later." thoughts that are present. I iced it once I got home before jumping into power flow yoga. I've had to be careful with planks and ab work so as to not further stress the flexor (like in Low Boat pose). What I'm realizing is if I really focus on USING my ABS (like you're supposed to) then it actually helps alleviate the strain on the hip flexors. (duh). Good indicator of whether I'm doing those poses correctly, I guess!

Did: Power Flow w/ Karina
Early morning class due to ALLTHEMEETINGS today, and I found myself amused towards the end of class at the plan/vision (early morning yoga before the house wakes up and a busy day begins) vs. reality (start super tired, rush to get set up because child woke up early and wanted to eat, then he comes downstairs as I'm finishing so he's walking around the mat and lets the cats up stairs so they're sniffing my face while I'm trying to do final savasana). Just another day in #quarantinemomlife
Hoping to get outside for a walk a little bit if the rain will hold off?? Not sure if that's going to happen...
And nope.

Did: 3.06 mi run/walk + Power Flow w/ Marsha
I don't remember this (writing on Monday) but apparently I did a 3 mile run/walk through the neighborhood. I think it was raining a little bit. Then yoga later in the morning.

Did: Soul Sculpt w/ Katie
Great class, felt good to get the heart pumping. I think Katie is the instructor from the one in-person sculpt class I did... she seemed familiar anyway. Great workout!

Did: Flow & Deep Stretch w/ Jasmine + 4.7 mi walk
Woke up and really wanted to do a long run, but my hip flexor felt so tight and a bit sore that I knew I needed to not run. UGH. Did yoga, but it didn't help my attitude so I went out for a long walk in the neighborhood before lunch. 

Did: 2.7 mi walk + Power Flow w/ Karina
Afternoon walk in the neighborhood again followed by late afternoon yoga. Hip flexor felt good while walking and didn't bother me at all today, so I'll hope for a pain-free 10k this coming week.

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