Sunday, May 24, 2020

Coronavirus - Week 10

Uhhh I'm going to have to come up with something else to call these weeks... 10 weeks is ridiculous.

Did: half of Soul Sculpt w/ Brionna
Ugh, this was frustrating. We had some roofing inspectors scheduled to come at 2pm (which I'd called myself in the morning, confirmed the time, and gave them my phone number to contact in case of any changes). So I sign up for 12:15 sculpt and get going. At 12:45, I get a message from Scott that the roofers are coming at 1 instead. CRAP. So I quickly find clothes to throw on over my sweaty mess and grumble about missing my workout. Never got time to do another 30 mins.

Did: 6.29 mi @ 9:21/mi avg + Power Flow w/ Wednesday
Ran in the rain this morning since it was the best chance of not getting caught in an actual thunderstorm. Felt nice, got rained on pretty steadily though didn't quite get soaked. I ran up ALL the hills today - no walking. Just a nice steady run and felt good.

In the afternoon, Scott joined me for power flow w/ Wednesday. Not a super hard class, which was nice. Wednesday's classes are always very meditative and thought-provoking, and her voice is very soothing. She kind of sounds like Eleanor Beardsley from NPR.

Did: Power Flow w/ Karina
Midday flow with Karina - she kicked my butt and I did side crow on both sides, AND A HEAD STAND!! I was doing regular crow and tipped over onto my head... so I decided to just try it, and bam - feet right up in the air! Woo!

Did: 4.22 mi @ 8:48/mi + Power Flow w/ Marsha
Nice loops through the neighborhood area, little speedier than typical. Felt nice to get out and follow it up with an hour of power flow.

Did: Soul Sculpt w/ Brionna
Shoooooo mercy that was a workout! Seemed like a similar routine to the one I did part of on Monday... maybe it's a good thing I didn't finish it then, not sure I would have signed up for another! (I kid, I kid...)

I also joined a FitBit challenge with a friend from work today... this one looks fun (a lot more intricate than the usual "whoever does the most steps" kind of thing)...
Get Fit Bingo
The top is your "bank" of steps, active minutes, and distance. You tap the tiles to "spend" whatever's in your bank and flip them over. I had 180 active minutes to spend, so I found 4 pink tiles that added up exactly to 180 and flipped them over. At the very bottom (which I clipped off, for privacy) you can see how many tiles your other competitors have flipped over and who is closest to the selected winning pattern (bottom left corner - this week is a "clover leaf" pattern). Fun!

I ALSO signed up for the Ellie activewear subscription box today. Pretty excited - I have many pieces of my workout wardrobe that are a solid 10 years old or more. Time for a refresher. If anybody is curious, you can use my reference link to sign up and get 25% off your first month. I'll post a review of my new stuff once it arrives.

Did: 12.03 mi @ 9:36/mi avg + Power Flow w/ Marsha
Started out with an early morning long run. For some reason I had 12 miles on the brain, so that's exactly what I did. Pieced together a few different sections of other runs without really mapping it out and it came out just right. Took an easy pace, just enjoyed the time running. Right hip flexor is still a nuisance, which makes me think I need to seek some professional help. Blergh.
Canada Goose family
Yoga was the same routine from earlier in the week - tough but good!

Did: Meditation & Flow w/ Wednesday
Did early yoga today since my family is coming over for late afternoon & dinner (i.e. the other times there are yoga classes today). Hip flexor is pretty sore today thanks to all of yesterday's miles. It feels good to stretch it but I'm not sure that's what it needs. Going to try to take some walks around the neighborhood today (D and I already took a short one this morning) just to keep it loose and keep myself moving. (and also to keep up with the FitBit challenge, of course)

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