Monday, May 18, 2020

Coronavirus - Week 9


Did: Soul Sculpt w/ Brionna + 2.64 mi @ 8:37/mi
Sculpt was tough at lunch today but I think Brionna might be my favorite teacher... although when she starts the class saying, "I might not use my weights today since I taught this class yesterday and my arms are SO SORE..." 😨 She was right, it was hard! Bicep curls of every variety imaginable, and some killer plyo in the middle.
I decided to also get out for a couple of miles right before dinner which felt good to get the legs moving - pretty good pace for it being warm in the late afternoon.

Did: 6.31 mi @ 8:26/mi avg + Power Flow w/ Karina
Running in πŸ’š green (valley)
Yes, I had to wear my ear warmers today. It was 37 when I woke up! Not complaining but... man, it's weird. Pretty speedy on the pace today, was faster than my photo stats show due to stopping to take the picture (and dropping my phone, further cracking the back of it... it might be time for a new one soon...).
In the late afternoon I did Power Flow w/ Karina on the back porch - it was a little chilly and breezy but ended up being pretty good. It was slightly chaotic because D was running around, Scott joined me, the cats were everywhere... we gave the other virtual class participants a laugh, that's for sure.

Did: Power Flow w/ Katherine + 2.98 mi @ 9:50/mi stroller run
Started the day with yoga by the fire and a new instructor. She was good, although I can't decide if I like the new morning class schedule (7-8am instead of 6:30-7:30am). On the one hand, I get a bit more time to work before D wakes up, but on the other hand I end up finishing yoga (Ε›avāsana aka the relaxing part at the end) with a child driving an excavator around my head and 2 cats walking on me. Win some/ lose some.
I then spent the day prepping D to go ride his bike while I ran in the afternoon... first it was "not now, later" then it was "after lunch" then it was "after quiet time" then I had a conference call, and finally when I was done with my call he decided he didn't want to ride his bike anymore. 😣 Resort to bribery, offer him an Oreo if he'll go ride in the stroller for a bit, and he says, "well I don't want an Oreo but can I have an orange?" Um, okay. 😏
So we're out in the stroller (which I haven't done in a hot minute) and I forget a few things:
1) how heavy a 30-lb child + 15-lb stroller is
2) how difficult it is to run while fielding the never-ending stream-of-consciousness questions and commentary from a 5-year-old.
Tire tracks.
"Mommy, do you see those tire tracks? I think a race car made those tracks. Why do cars race? Do they go fast? Does it make a noise like EEEEEEERRRRRR on the road? Mommy look at those trees, MOMMY LOOK DID YOU SEE?? Look, there's horses in there... do you like horses? Can we go see the horses? Why can't we go see the horses? You don't like horses?"  ::turning a corner::  "Mommy why are we going this way? Why didn't we go that way? You like going this way? Why didn't we go the other way, you don't like that road? Mommy did you step on those cracks? Did they hurt your back?"  :: going up a hill:: "Mommy can you make it up that STEEP STEEP HILL??? Mommy why are we going slow? Can you go faster? Do you need to use your boosters???"

Did: 5.15 mi @ 8:42/mi + Power Flow w/ Gina
Morning run on what has become my standard Green Valley loop. I do it both clockwise and counter-clockwise... today was counter-clockwise. Either direction ends with a big climb, so there's not an "easy way" or a "hard way". Pretty good pace today even though temps and humidity seem to be up vs. earlier in the week.
In the afternoon I did a power flow class which was good and stretchy.

Did: Soul Sculpt w/ Jessie
I didn't love this class, but it was still a good workout. I modified a lot to do less with the legs and more arms. Got good and sweaty for this one. Also took the day off running (first day this week) although I totally would have gone out to run while D biked if I could have convinced him to go ride.

Did: 8.19 mi @ 9:03/mi avg + Flow & Deep Stretch w/ Jasmine
Didn't quite get the 10 miles I'd hoped, but due to right hip flexor soreness and the need to be home at a specific time, I cut it a little short. Was still a nice run though, before the heat arrived.
Followed it with Flow & Deep Stretch which is always a nice compliment to running.

Did: 3.1 mi @ 12:24/mi + Yin Yoga w/ Jess
Got D out on the bike in TR and enjoyed a short run/ride together.
Run Squad 😍

Pedaling past the TR City Hall & Trailblazer Park complex
It wasn't fast, it wasn't long, but it was fun time together. Plus we got to wear our matching shirts that a fellow mother runner got us for Mother's Day. :)

Spent the afternoon outside and canceled the 4pm Power Flow yoga in favor of hanging out with friends, so did Yin Yoga at 6pm instead. It's still not my favorite style but it checked the box of "do yoga daily" and that's good enough for me.

Pretty pleased to have done a little over 28 miles this week. This is the range I like to be in (25-30), plus maintaining yoga daily feels good.

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