Sunday, March 15, 2020

Week before starting 5k training

I can't come up with any better title than that... lol

Planned: run
Did: 4.93 mi @ 9:01/mi
It's sooOOOOooOOOooOoOoooooo nice outside!! 🌞
That's basically all I have to say about today's run. I want to go back outside. Because this is predicted for the next week:
Ugggghhhhhhhhhh 😖

Planned: #10kTuesday (track or tready)
Did: 6.51 mi @ 8:18/mi avg
The rain held off and it was a beautiful morning for track... unfortunately I think I've finally admitted to myself that there's something wrong with my left hammie. I planned to do 800s but after the first 400m at about a 8-min pace, I decided to not do any speedwork and just run laps. Got my 10k but now I think I'm going to rest for the remainder of the week.

Planned: lift
Did: 14.4 mi bike ride
Had a nice road ride at lunch today with Scott & Donnie. It's been ages since I've been out on the bike at lunch! I wasn't feeling great (sore throat and some congestion) but I was glad to have done the ride.

Planned: run (probably treadmill)
Did: rest
Ugh, yep... allergies have hit me.

Planned: ?
Did: rest
And today I have no voice! Ugh.

Planned: ?
Did: 4.4 mile walk
I took D out for a ride on the Swamp Rabbit Trail on his bike, and he ended up riding almost 4.5 miles while I walked behind him. I'm still not feeling great, my voice is slowly returning (I sound like a man with a husky deep voice), but it was nice to get outside for a while.

I took some time this afternoon to plan out the next 8 weeks of my 5k PR attempt (assuming we actually have races in the next 2 months...) 😶

Planned: ?
Did: rest again
Could have gone out for a run but still mostly voiceless and wanting to kick this crud. I have my yoga workshop this afternoon so that will be sufficient for the day.

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