Sunday, March 15, 2020

5k PR Training Plan - 8 weeks

Finally getting some free time to think through my plans for the next 8 weeks... although being sick most of the past week and having the world going haywire with Coronavirus makes me wonder what is going to happen in the next couple of months??

Oh well, I can start with a plan at least...

First, an acknowledgement of where I'm starting and where I want to go:
Most recent 5k time vs. Goal of sub-21
(Source: McMillan Running)
Side note: I think their pace-per-distance calculator (from 100m to 100mi) is amazingly accurate.
Who knows if this goal is realistic, but it gives me something to shoot for. My current PR is 21:32, and I just ran a 21:37 at Thanksgiving (in the midst of Ultra training) so I know I'm close. The 22:14 at Greenville News probably  definitely wasn't a "PR effort" so it'll be interesting to see where I can get.

I've gotten input from several sources (running friends, websites, and random Google searching) to hodgepodge together the following plan.

Got hills, track workouts, tempo runs, and long runs. 4-5 days of running per week, with the option on the weekend to incorporate the shorter/faster workouts into a longer run so that I can bike the other day. I like this plan... now let's just hope the world doesn't implode.

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