Monday, January 13, 2020

A week.

Did: 61 mins strength
Oh lordy it's Monday and it's a full work week and everyone is back in the office. Thankful my 10:00 meeting got out early so I could get to the gym before 11. Got a good lift done and I'm sure I'll be feelin' it tomorrow.

Did: 6.2 mi treadmill @ 9:08/mi
I don't remember the last time I've run a 10k this slowly. omggggg I am dragging today. I'm not sleepy, I just have zero energy. Blaming it on those lovely female hormones!

I signed up for the one month trial membership at Soul Yoga today, and it's good until the 15th of February. If I go to just 3 classes before then, it'll be worth the price. Already signed up for one class with Megan & Robin in a couple of weeks, but I'm hoping to make it 2x per week and see how that goes.

Did: rest
Taking a cue from yesterday, letting myself rest today even though my brain says "GO DO SOMETHING."

Did: 7.22 mi @ 8:14/mi avg
Hit the track with Matt this morning, and it's just what I needed to set the day off right. Cold temps just above freezing, and a beautiful nearly-full moon lighting up the sky and casting shadows. Did alternating 800s (3:24, 3:28, 3:34, 3:23) & 400s (1:37, 1:41, 1:40) except a 200 for the final interval due to time constraints (0:46). Pretty great to get in 7+ miles before sunrise. 😎

Did: 45 min stationary bike
Did the workout I'd planned originally for Wednesday, rode the stationary bike. Not a bad ride.

Did: 60 min Power Flow yoga
Oh man this was rough because of a late Friday night with coworkers. I thought I might puke/pass out... but I survived! I did think the sweat session would help rid my body of whatever was leftover from Friday but nope, it didn't. I kind of half-assed it due to feeling like hot garbage, but it was still a good class.

Did: 10.29 mi @ ~9:30ish avg
Run in two parts: initially planned to just run to TR to meet Scott & D for ice cream, but it turned out the ice cream place was closed for winter maintenance. Too bad because it was 70+ degrees and I bet lots of people would have gone for ice cream! So since I didn't have a belly full of sugar, I ran home too, for a total of a bit over 10 miles. Felt good to do double-digits, it's been a while! Also, welcome to winter in the south where 3 days ago it was 40 degrees cooler on my run.

Week ending thoughts: 
1) I wish it would stop raining.
2) I'm really loving yoga.

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