Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Still movin'

Did: Power Flow 60
I loooooved this class! What a great way to start the week. I went to the 5:45AM class and it was just perfect - everything I needed. Plus it helps I didn't feel like roadill. 😂 I do still wish it would quit raining, though. 😒

Did: 7.08 mi @ 8:14/mi
Track Tuesday despite the threat of rain, but man was it foggy and warm!
What The Fog.
I did a ladder workout, paces were a little variable (6:28/mi fastest pace, 7:04/mi slowest) and I was tired/not enough water or food this morning. But a good morning at the track nonetheless!

Did: 40 min stationary bike
As usual, didn't love this but I feel good to be pedaling. If it would stop raining I could actually get outside on my bike!

Did: 2.33 mi @ 8:15/mi run + 60 min Vinyasa hot yoga
Got in a couple of miles at the end of the day in the nice sunshine... still weird to have 70-degree weather in January, but eh, it sure makes for a pleasant run. After that, went to Soul Yoga and enjoyed a Vinyasa class. It wasn't as hot as past classes (only 87 degrees, not 95 like usual) but was a good stretchy flowy class. I can already tell I'm getting better/stronger even after just a few classes.

Did: rest
I had planned to lift at the gym, but the workday was busy and I was pretty sore from yoga so I didn't feel too bad taking a rest day.

Did: Greenville News Run Downtown 5k - 1.11 mi warm-up + 3.14 mi @ 7:05/mi 
Great race this morning! Not really worth a race report, but it was a good morning and the rain held off just barely til the end when it started misting. This was the first event of the 2020 Corporate Shield series, and we had a great group of Milliken runners & walkers. Not a PR day for me, but I hadn't exactly tried to train for it. Still a pretty respectable time and I didn't feel like I pushed to the max.
Fun morning!

Did: 8.19 mi running + 60 min Power Flow yoga
Went to Furman with D in the morning to let him ride his bike - we did 2 miles around the lake and only stopped a few times! After that, we did a bit over 6 more in the stroller for a total of 8 miles. Was a beautiful sunny day.
In the afternoon, met Megan & Robin for Power Flow at SoulYoga. It was one of their $7 classes and was PACKED wall-to-wall. Made it quite hot, but was a good class and I'm definitely feeling the soreness.

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