Sunday, January 26, 2020

Apparently I don't take photos anymore.

Did: 7.7 mi mountain bike
MLK Holiday from work, and D had daycare = bike day. I wasn't all that enthused about it for some reason, but was still nice to get out in the woods for a while at Pleasant Ridge.

Did: 6.49 mi @ 8:46/mi 
Slow speedwork today - the cold made it hard to move quickly! Did 4x800 and 2x400 at the track. Missed starting my watch for about a quarter mile of warm-up, so overall distance should be more like 6.75. I think I got colder and colder as the run continued... it was windy too!

Did: 60 min Power Flow yoga
Started off with the early morning hot yoga class and it was, again, a great way to start the day. The Mon/Wed a.m. teacher is probably my favorite so far - she's got a great style for first thing in the morning. Plus she always has an assistant that goes around to help guide and correct poses which is awesome.

Did: 4.33 mi @ 8:57/mi 
Got in a quick run after work this afternoon, just a few miles to get the legs moving. Nothing spectacular but I realized it's been quite a while since I'd run around the neighborhood.

Did: 48 min strength
I've been doing yoga instead of lifting weights lately, but decided to finally get to the gym this morning. Was a pretty good lift, but the Friday drag was definitely in effect.

Did: 8.02 mi @ 8:49/mi
Ran with the early downtown group - it was a pretty good size group and I ended up with the more casually-paced half, which was just fine with me. We did the "best 10" backwards but cut it to 8 miles. I can definitely tell I've not been doing as much running lately because 8-10 miles has been feeling challenging. Nice run with the group though - sometimes I enjoy running not being such a solitary sport!

Did: 60 min Power Flow yoga
Met up with Megan, Robin, and Annelies (her first time) for an afternoon yoga class. This one was tough but SO good! I even tried out some balancing poses that I've avoided in the past, and successfully did crow pose for the first time. I'm signed up for a class first thing tomorrow (Monday) morning... so we'll see how things go doing two classes so close together!

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Still movin'

Did: Power Flow 60
I loooooved this class! What a great way to start the week. I went to the 5:45AM class and it was just perfect - everything I needed. Plus it helps I didn't feel like roadill. 😂 I do still wish it would quit raining, though. 😒

Did: 7.08 mi @ 8:14/mi
Track Tuesday despite the threat of rain, but man was it foggy and warm!
What The Fog.
I did a ladder workout, paces were a little variable (6:28/mi fastest pace, 7:04/mi slowest) and I was tired/not enough water or food this morning. But a good morning at the track nonetheless!

Did: 40 min stationary bike
As usual, didn't love this but I feel good to be pedaling. If it would stop raining I could actually get outside on my bike!

Did: 2.33 mi @ 8:15/mi run + 60 min Vinyasa hot yoga
Got in a couple of miles at the end of the day in the nice sunshine... still weird to have 70-degree weather in January, but eh, it sure makes for a pleasant run. After that, went to Soul Yoga and enjoyed a Vinyasa class. It wasn't as hot as past classes (only 87 degrees, not 95 like usual) but was a good stretchy flowy class. I can already tell I'm getting better/stronger even after just a few classes.

Did: rest
I had planned to lift at the gym, but the workday was busy and I was pretty sore from yoga so I didn't feel too bad taking a rest day.

Did: Greenville News Run Downtown 5k - 1.11 mi warm-up + 3.14 mi @ 7:05/mi 
Great race this morning! Not really worth a race report, but it was a good morning and the rain held off just barely til the end when it started misting. This was the first event of the 2020 Corporate Shield series, and we had a great group of Milliken runners & walkers. Not a PR day for me, but I hadn't exactly tried to train for it. Still a pretty respectable time and I didn't feel like I pushed to the max.
Fun morning!

Did: 8.19 mi running + 60 min Power Flow yoga
Went to Furman with D in the morning to let him ride his bike - we did 2 miles around the lake and only stopped a few times! After that, we did a bit over 6 more in the stroller for a total of 8 miles. Was a beautiful sunny day.
In the afternoon, met Megan & Robin for Power Flow at SoulYoga. It was one of their $7 classes and was PACKED wall-to-wall. Made it quite hot, but was a good class and I'm definitely feeling the soreness.

Monday, January 13, 2020

A week.

Did: 61 mins strength
Oh lordy it's Monday and it's a full work week and everyone is back in the office. Thankful my 10:00 meeting got out early so I could get to the gym before 11. Got a good lift done and I'm sure I'll be feelin' it tomorrow.

Did: 6.2 mi treadmill @ 9:08/mi
I don't remember the last time I've run a 10k this slowly. omggggg I am dragging today. I'm not sleepy, I just have zero energy. Blaming it on those lovely female hormones!

I signed up for the one month trial membership at Soul Yoga today, and it's good until the 15th of February. If I go to just 3 classes before then, it'll be worth the price. Already signed up for one class with Megan & Robin in a couple of weeks, but I'm hoping to make it 2x per week and see how that goes.

Did: rest
Taking a cue from yesterday, letting myself rest today even though my brain says "GO DO SOMETHING."

Did: 7.22 mi @ 8:14/mi avg
Hit the track with Matt this morning, and it's just what I needed to set the day off right. Cold temps just above freezing, and a beautiful nearly-full moon lighting up the sky and casting shadows. Did alternating 800s (3:24, 3:28, 3:34, 3:23) & 400s (1:37, 1:41, 1:40) except a 200 for the final interval due to time constraints (0:46). Pretty great to get in 7+ miles before sunrise. 😎

Did: 45 min stationary bike
Did the workout I'd planned originally for Wednesday, rode the stationary bike. Not a bad ride.

Did: 60 min Power Flow yoga
Oh man this was rough because of a late Friday night with coworkers. I thought I might puke/pass out... but I survived! I did think the sweat session would help rid my body of whatever was leftover from Friday but nope, it didn't. I kind of half-assed it due to feeling like hot garbage, but it was still a good class.

Did: 10.29 mi @ ~9:30ish avg
Run in two parts: initially planned to just run to TR to meet Scott & D for ice cream, but it turned out the ice cream place was closed for winter maintenance. Too bad because it was 70+ degrees and I bet lots of people would have gone for ice cream! So since I didn't have a belly full of sugar, I ran home too, for a total of a bit over 10 miles. Felt good to do double-digits, it's been a while! Also, welcome to winter in the south where 3 days ago it was 40 degrees cooler on my run.

Week ending thoughts: 
1) I wish it would stop raining.
2) I'm really loving yoga.

Monday, January 6, 2020

New Decade week

Did: 53 min strength
At work, so went to the gym. Pretty sure I'll be sore tomorrow but oh well, at least I'm getting back to the routine!

Tuesday - New Year's Eve
Did: 6.94 mi @ 8:15/mi avg + 7.6 mi mountain bike ride
First workout of the day was Track Tuesday with Matt & his friend Chris. We celebrated Matt's 5 year anniversary of running at least one mile every day! Also had an interesting time getting to and from the track due to gates at Furman being closed, and some roads being gated off due to tree work. But we made it! For speedwork I did 2x 1mi (6:52, 7:09). Not super duper speedy but pretty good. Felt tough but the temps were perfect!
Track stars
With that, I'm writing my year end wrap-up post, even though Scott & I have a mountain bike ride planned this afternoon.

Afternoon bike ride was great! Perfect weather and a beautiful little trail. Not too much up & down, just a fun twisty smooth path through the woods around a lake. So nice!

Wednesday - New Year's Day
Did: 6.00 mi @ 8:54/mi avg
Had thoughts of an early trail run with friends at Dupont, but we ended up staying at a friend's house later than planned so I opted to sleep in. It was a good call. Got out in the afternoon after it had warmed up a bit and did 6 miles through the hills of Green Valley.

Did: 60 min hot yoga
Met up with Megan & Robin for a hot yoga class at SoulYoga. Had never been before, but it seemed like something new and fun to try! Everyone there was super nice and helpful, the facilities were very nice. We packed 30 people into a tiny hot room (yay, New Year crowds haha) and did 30 mins of Power Flow + 30 mins Deep Stretch in a 90+ degree room. Oh man did we sweat! But what a great class, and that final 5 minutes of Savasana with a chilled lavender towel over my eyes was glorious. I really wish I had time need to make time to do this more often.

Did: 40 min stationary bike
Decided to knock this out early, so got to the gym at work (which was packed at 6:30am) and pedaled away on some intervals. Not thrilling but good to get it done while the rainnnnnn keeps falling outside. Ugh, I hope it clears up for the weekend.

Did: 8.48 mi @ 8:27/mi avg
Early run with just one other downtown runner, and thankfully we were both feeling pretty tired so there were a few walk breaks after hills and we cut the distance from planned 10 to ~8.5. We kept a pretty good pace otherwise, though, and it was a nice weirdly warm/humid morning. Thankfully the rain stopped right before we got started so we didn't actually have to deal with water falling from the sky.

Did: 15.4 mi @ 13.5 mph road bike
Yay, biking! Although my goodness I am out of biking shape. Yikes. Went for a late afternoon ride solo and, though I knew I chose a hilly route, I didn't expect to struggle quite as much as I did! I was in my absolute lowest gear for all of the climbs... whew. But it was a beautiful sunny afternoon and I was glad to be out on two wheels.