Sunday, June 23, 2019

Countdown to Ultra Training (7 weeks to go)

Did: nothing
Basically, EVERYTHING went wrong today. Ugh.

Did: 6.2 mi @ 7:44/mi avg
I'm not saying having a bad day was a good thing, but bad days sure do bring out some REALLY good runs! Headed into work for some treadmill speedwork this morning because I just didn't feel like dealing with the outdoors. I call this one "falling down a ladder" 😂
1 WU
2 mi @ sub-7:15
1 mi @ sub-7
.5 mi @ 6:30/mi
.25 @ sub-6:15
(with proportionally appropriate breaks between each)
Definitely was working hard by that last one, but felt good and felt like I could have gone faster overall. I was also 10 seconds shy of a 10k PR... which I totally could have managed because the last ~half mile was cooldown. But I refuse to PR on a treadmill, so I was satisfied just knowing I could have done it.

Did: 5.46 mi @ 12:20/mi trail run
Headed to Paris Mountain this afternoon for some trail action. Did the climb up Sulphur Springs to the intersection with Firetower before heading back down. It was a sssllloowwww climb (like 14:30/mi pace) but I did it without walking (how can you tell at that pace??). It was tough... trail running is very humbling! Climbed a bit over 700 feet through the entire run.

Did: rest
Thought of lifting, but I've had some lingering shoulder pain (feels like some kind of bursitis/impingement) so I decided against it.

Did: rest
This one was planned... worked from home then drove up to Tsali for the weekend of camping & mountain bike "race".

Did: 10.4 mi mountain bike
Well... my first loop in the 12 Hours of Tsali race went about like my second loop did last year. Biking in thunderstorms! Lots of mud! Like riding in a creek the entire time! Anyway, it dampened (literally) my motivation for a second loop, which was just as well since they ended up canceling the rest of the race around 3pm (6 hours into the 12 hour race). The loop was harder than I remembered, but I guess I haven't been biking as much as I was last year around this time. Did my loop in an hour and 23 mins. Was not upset that the rest of the race was cancelled.

Did: 6.4 mi @ 12:19/mi trail run
Went to Pleasant Ridge and ran the JFA loop + new loop this morning. Nice morning on the trail, pretty quiet... had some calf tightness that caused me to walk a few times during the uphill portions, but overall felt pretty good.
Into the woods

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