Monday, June 10, 2019

Countdown to Ultra Training (9 weeks to go)

Decided I'm going to "officially" do an 18-week training plan for the 50k, so my countdown of training weeks will begin August 5th. Until then, I'm "in between" trying to figure out a good rhythm and routine of which days to run and which days to lift/bike... so that by the time the actual plan kicks in, I'll be set to go by adjusting time & distance.

General outline:
- 4x/wk running (2 on trails)
- 1x bike
- 1x strength
- 1x "active rest" (yoga, walking, or actual rest)

But for now, here's hoping for a good normal week...

Did: strength
Solid hour of lifting, felt good. I don't think my HR monitor was working or connecting correctly because I felt like I was working harder than burning 118 calories for a full hour... oh well.

Did: 6.20 mi @ 8:16/mi 
What a glorious morning! Low humidity, breeze, upper-60s... ahhh so nice. I could have kept running for six more miles if I'd had the time. This run felt like a steady push but nothing too hard, and hit some 8s on the back half... yeah negative splits for the first and second 5ks!

Did: 4.54 mi @ 8:55/mi 
I don't usually run back-to-back days, but knowing the prediction for rain for the rest of the week (including weekend, ugh) so I headed out to the trails for a lunchtime run. I was supposed to meet a work friend to run the 5k course, but my meeting immediately preceding our planned run time ran late, so she'd had to start without me. Not knowing how far ahead she was, I started running the course backwards and ended up catching her about a mile into the reverse course, so then we finished out the run together and I continued on for another loop on my own after she was done. Was a nice but humid run! Faster than expected. And I earned my Global Running Day badge :D

Did: upper body + core
Proud of myself for not bailing on this workout (which I almost did). I have back to back to back meetings all day and was totally going to say forget it, but decided to go and do some heavier upper body work and core. Glad I did it.

Did: rest

Did: Sunrise 8k = 36:03 mins
I wasn't sure what to expect for this, but figured it wouldn't be a PR. I know my pace has to be around a 7:00/mi for a PR attempt, and with the first mile around a 7:15 knowing the hills that were coming, I knew early on that it wouldn't be a PR race. I was fine with that, because it allowed me to relax a little for the rest of the race and just run. I still pushed a decent effort even though I got slower with every mile, ending up right around the 36-minute mark. The threat of rain with lots of clouds around made it not too hot but oh-so-humid which was almost as bad. Anyway, happy with the race and a great team turnout.

Also there's something wrong with my HR monitor... 

Did: nothing
Rain. Blergh.

Week-ending thoughts: The rainy weekend really was a bummer. I haven't gotten in a long run in over 2 weeks now, and I'm definitely feeling like I neeeeeeeed to run LONG. Hoping for something next weekend since (so far) the weather should be good. 

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