Monday, July 1, 2019

Countdown to Ultra Training (6 weeks to go)

Week beginning thoughts: Man this countdown is going quicker than I thought...

Did: strength 
Eugh, this was a challenge. The grunter/yeller was in the gym when I went this morning, which just threw everything off because he basically exists on the squat rack for his entire workout. I retreated to the aerobics room and did free weights & core stuff for the most part. Thankfully my shoulder actually felt better after lifting and stretching, so that's a plus.

Did: 6.22 mi @ 8:12/mi
Great but humid run this morning with the early downtown group. Did the West End Six route and ended up pretty far out in front of the group with one other person. A couple of miles just sub-8 pace but pretty consistently and comfortably around ~8:15 for most of the run. Woohoo!

Did: 4.79 mi @ 9:04/mi
Trail run at lunch at work today. Hot. Forgot snack so was hungry. Thirsty, too. Not thrilled about the run itself but glad to have gotten it done.

Did: 5.2 mi mountain bike - Short Track #4
Rode in the final short track race for the season and felt pretty good about my performance - finally a small enough women's field for me to take the 3rd Place podium! 😁 I didn't push particularly hard, even spent a couple of laps riding another guy's back wheel because I didn't quite feel like working to get past him... eventually I got him on a climb and caught sight of another girl in front of me who I thought I could probably catch on the last lap. I was just closing in on her at the start of the final lap... and she pulls off the track and declares she's done! Not quite how I wanted to "catch" her but I guess it counts... Anyway, it was a good way to close out the season.
Did: rest

Did: 8.1 mi @ 10:16/mi
Whew, it has been a hot minute since I ran with the stroller and especially since the weather has turned HOT. I had to stop and walk several times (especially on hills) but finally felt good towards the end. D enjoyed a homemade peanut butter oat bar followed by a nap.

Did: 4.05 mi trail run @ 12:11/mi + 9.05 mi mountain bike ride
Sunday Ladies' Ride at Dupont, but wasn't scheduled to start until 10 so I got up there early to get a few miles of running done before the bike ride. I did a lot of hiking on parts of the trail - my calves have not adapted to climbing on trails yet, so hopefully they get used to it soon!

The ladies' ride was a good, casual ride - covered a bit over 9 miles, went up to the air strip and to Bridal Veil Falls, and enjoyed the company of some awesome women. 

Week-ending thoughts: Despite running 8 on Saturday I still feel like I didn't really get in a good "long run". Planning on some runs at the lake over the long holiday weekend, so that'll make up for it hopefully. 

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