Monday, June 17, 2019

Busy week (Countdown to Ultra Training - 8 Weeks)

Did: strength
I almost bailed on this due to crazy work schedule but decided everyone would be better off if I got a workout done... it worked out just fine! I ended up having time to go lift for almost an hour and of course felt great about it. Yee haw! I can tell I'm getting much stronger in some of my lifts... gonna have to up those weights soon.

Did: 6.27 mi @ 8:54/mi avg
I got up and did this run earrrrlllyyyy in the neighborhood because of a morning flight. I'm so so so glad I decided to do it this way rather than meet the downtown group and be sweaty & nasty for my flight (I'm sure the person sitting next to me on the plane was glad, too). I started running right at 4:30 am and really enjoyed the quiet dark streets of my neighborhood. There was a glorious breeze and it was just so peaceful. I don't enjoy all the hills and repetitions of the roads since my neighborhood is about 1 square mile (or so) but hey, it got done.
Glowing... and done. :)

Wednesday - Friday
Did: nada
Work travel for a conference, and the late night dinners and drinks always end up getting the better of me, so I didn't even bring so much as a pair of running shoes.

Did: 12.07 mi @ 9:02/mi
Yessssss this is what I needed to feel like I'm back on track. LONG RUN YAY! Got up without an alarm at the lake house, headed out around 7am into the beautiful 60-degree temps for a run down Lake Road. Winding, rollingly hilly, just an out-and-back which meant I didn't have to pay attention to any turns... just what I needed. I only planned to do 10 but still didn't feel like turning around once I'd hit the 5-mile mark, so I kept on going to 6 before heading back. Considered just finishing out a half marathon but decided I was happy with 12 by the time I passed back by the house at the end. I haven't run more than a 10k in over 3 weeks, so this was good with me.

Did: 5.9 (actually ~6.2) mi @ 8:50/mi
Got up and did another run at the lake in the morning before breakfast. Felt good to run again but I could tell my legs (quads mostly) were tired from yesterday's long miles. Ran through a neighborhood called Rolling Hills (accurate) and realized I'd forgotten to start my watch until about a quarter mile into the run. Not sure how I managed that, but glad I realized it when I did.

Week-ending thoughts:
Despite a busy week with zero exercise, I feel REALLY good about finishing out strong and still getting in close to 25 miles this week. My tentative plan is over the next 8 weeks try to get a consistent ~30 mpw (or at least high-20s) as a base (which is slightly above what I would call my "maintenance" mileage). We'll see how that shapes up in the coming weeks.

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