Sunday, April 21, 2019

Post V2V Week

Uh, yeah... not a great week. After a week of stomach bug, I then came down with what I can only assume is terrible allergies. Congestion, sneezing, burning eyes... ugh. Can I just be healthy and have a normal week??

Anyway, didn't do much this past week...

Did: 30 mins core/strength
This was rushed and half-assed, but I felt good that I did something. Legs were incredibly sore from Ville to Ville, so only did core & upper body stuff. Lots of stretching too, but that didn't even help. They weren't "I-need-to-be-stretched" kind of sore... they were just "omg what did you do to me" sore.

Did: 6.22 mi @ 9:06/mi avg
Work from home day but too much to do to get in a midday run, so decided to run from Furman to go pick up D from daycare in TR. I ran with an empty stroller (and felt super awkward doing so) up to get him, then we ran back to the car. It felt a lot harder/slower than ~9-minute miles due to the sore & tired legs (still).
Did: nada

Did: 10.02 mi @ 8:38/mi avg
Ran with the early group because I just wanted some early miles and didn't feel like making a multi-hour ordeal with the stroller and eat up a lot of the day... SUCH a good call, despite the 5AM alarm on a Saturday. It was chilly (!!) and perfect, great company made the miles tick by easily, kept a solid pace that I kept thinking was slow/easy but ended up being pretty darn quick for a 10-miler. Yes! This is what I needed.

Week-ending thoughts: Please, just let me stay healthy for a while.

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