Monday, March 25, 2019

Post-Marathon Week

Uhhh, it's Friday and I'm just starting the weekly blog... kind of how life is going these days! I've mostly rested this week (some out of desire to rest, some out of unavoidable crazy work life) but got in a few good runs and fun activities. Other than rest days, here are the days I actually did something...

Did: 6.29 mi @ 8:41/mi avg
D had a dentist appointment in the morning and then was spending the day with my mom, so after she picked him up I took the opportunity to take a nice run through downtown in the beautiful cool morning sun. It was so nice! The Swamp Rabbit Trail ran right in front of the dentist office, so I just left my car and headed off on the trail, looped around the parks and through downtown, then back to the car. So nice. Legs were definitely still a little sore and I tried to take it easy... but my legs apparently have a solid cruise control and just go the speed they want to go! 

Did: 5.05 mi @ 8:10/mi avg
Oh yes, this felt good! Another cool morning and had a nice big group for the Friday Five run. The pace felt nice and the miles ticked by. Great way to start the day, and no residual soreness in the legs.

Did: Milliken Earth Run 5k
So, I think this was a course PR for me? My finish time was 22:33 by the official results, and the next fastest time I can find in my Garmin files appears to be from 2013 with a 23:22... so, woohoo! Pretty proud of this since I've not been doing much speedwork and definitely haven't trained on cross-country trails. This makes me think it might be time to try for a 5k overall PR (which has been sitting at 21:32, since January of 2014). Hmm...
Anyway, not a lot to say about this race - I had D with me and he "helped" organize the volunteers, but thankfully was agreeable to hang out with Robin & Dale so I could actually race. :)


Beautiful race morning

Post-race snacking
Did: 13.82 mi mountain biking
Ladiesssss ride! I always love these rides. Such a great group of badass women. We had a fun day in Dupont and got more miles than originally planned since the group was riding pretty strong. Woot! Happy to find I hadn't "lost my legs" with the past few months of not biking. Need to do this more.
Ready to go!

Mid-ride posed group shot

On the trail!
Next week is gonna be a "just do #10kTuesday and forget the rest" kind of week due to work travel and limited suitcase space (and knowing I'll be out LATE almost every night... oyyyy). But then the NEXT week I'll get into some good hill training for Ville-to-Ville on April 13th and the Zoom through the Zoo 5k on May 11th. 

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