Monday, March 11, 2019

ATL Publix Marathon Training (1 Week til Race Week)

Did: rest
Still recovering from a tiring weekend... even though Sunday didn't involve much running, still felt like I needed a day off.

Did: 6.22 mi @ 8:43/mi
Ran outside... JUST a #10kTuesday, and it was beautiful. Cool air, sunshine, easy pace... good run.

Did: rest
Knew today would be crazy so didn't even attempt it.

Did: 6x400 progressive repeats
Did this workout outside in the sun (glorious!) but of course had the challenges of figuring out exactly where a 400 would start/end. Found a pretty flat straightaway to use and marked off my start & end points... speed down one direction, recover to return to the start. At first I'd planned to do 3 sets of 3, but realized what that would mean time-wise, and shortened it to 3,2,1 of 10k pace, 5k pace, and 1mi pace.
3x400 @ 10k - 1:56, 2:00, 1:55
2x400 @ 5k - 1:45, 1:44
1x400 @ 1mi - 1:31

Woot! Success!

Did: rest

Did: rest

Did: 15.08 mi @ 9:20/mi

We enjoyed the sunshine and beautiful warm weather on this final long run together. Started out in sleeves and headband, finished in a tank top. Ahh, South Carolina. Started at Furman, ran through campus, then to the north end of the Swamp Rabbit and back. Nothing too eventful and just enjoyed the time together!
Showing off our "strong muscles"

Weekly Miles: 26.75 mi
Yep, taper time. Minimal workouts this week.

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