Thursday, March 21, 2019

ATL Publix Marathon Training (Race Week)

Week-beginning thoughts: IT'S RACE WEEEEEEEEK!!!! And for the first time, I'm not dyingggg to have the race over with, I'm just excited and looking forward to it. YAY!

Did: strength
Good lift, hoping I didn't make myself too sore. Intentionally planned to lift today (beginning of the week) just in case. :D

Did: #10kTuesday
Ran the cross-country trails and scouted out some alternate routes for our upcoming 5k due to some muddy trail issues. Think I found a good one, and of course enjoyed the sunshine in the meantime. :)

Did: rest

Did: rest

Did: 4.73 @ 8:24/mi
Just enough break in the rain for the early downtown group to do the Friday Five(-ish) route which was a great change of pace for me since I've been doing a good bit of solo running lately. I'm usually a solitary runner but I do like the company of a group occasionally. It was a bit humid but the rain started sprinkling towards the end and felt great. Pace felt nice and easy through the hills of downtown. Next time running will be the MARATHONNNNNNN! :D

Did: rest

Race Day!

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