Monday, March 25, 2019

Post-Marathon Week

Uhhh, it's Friday and I'm just starting the weekly blog... kind of how life is going these days! I've mostly rested this week (some out of desire to rest, some out of unavoidable crazy work life) but got in a few good runs and fun activities. Other than rest days, here are the days I actually did something...

Did: 6.29 mi @ 8:41/mi avg
D had a dentist appointment in the morning and then was spending the day with my mom, so after she picked him up I took the opportunity to take a nice run through downtown in the beautiful cool morning sun. It was so nice! The Swamp Rabbit Trail ran right in front of the dentist office, so I just left my car and headed off on the trail, looped around the parks and through downtown, then back to the car. So nice. Legs were definitely still a little sore and I tried to take it easy... but my legs apparently have a solid cruise control and just go the speed they want to go! 

Did: 5.05 mi @ 8:10/mi avg
Oh yes, this felt good! Another cool morning and had a nice big group for the Friday Five run. The pace felt nice and the miles ticked by. Great way to start the day, and no residual soreness in the legs.

Did: Milliken Earth Run 5k
So, I think this was a course PR for me? My finish time was 22:33 by the official results, and the next fastest time I can find in my Garmin files appears to be from 2013 with a 23:22... so, woohoo! Pretty proud of this since I've not been doing much speedwork and definitely haven't trained on cross-country trails. This makes me think it might be time to try for a 5k overall PR (which has been sitting at 21:32, since January of 2014). Hmm...
Anyway, not a lot to say about this race - I had D with me and he "helped" organize the volunteers, but thankfully was agreeable to hang out with Robin & Dale so I could actually race. :)


Beautiful race morning

Post-race snacking
Did: 13.82 mi mountain biking
Ladiesssss ride! I always love these rides. Such a great group of badass women. We had a fun day in Dupont and got more miles than originally planned since the group was riding pretty strong. Woot! Happy to find I hadn't "lost my legs" with the past few months of not biking. Need to do this more.
Ready to go!

Mid-ride posed group shot

On the trail!
Next week is gonna be a "just do #10kTuesday and forget the rest" kind of week due to work travel and limited suitcase space (and knowing I'll be out LATE almost every night... oyyyy). But then the NEXT week I'll get into some good hill training for Ville-to-Ville on April 13th and the Zoom through the Zoo 5k on May 11th. 

Thursday, March 21, 2019

ATL Publix Marathon Training (Race Week)

Week-beginning thoughts: IT'S RACE WEEEEEEEEK!!!! And for the first time, I'm not dyingggg to have the race over with, I'm just excited and looking forward to it. YAY!

Did: strength
Good lift, hoping I didn't make myself too sore. Intentionally planned to lift today (beginning of the week) just in case. :D

Did: #10kTuesday
Ran the cross-country trails and scouted out some alternate routes for our upcoming 5k due to some muddy trail issues. Think I found a good one, and of course enjoyed the sunshine in the meantime. :)

Did: rest

Did: rest

Did: 4.73 @ 8:24/mi
Just enough break in the rain for the early downtown group to do the Friday Five(-ish) route which was a great change of pace for me since I've been doing a good bit of solo running lately. I'm usually a solitary runner but I do like the company of a group occasionally. It was a bit humid but the rain started sprinkling towards the end and felt great. Pace felt nice and easy through the hills of downtown. Next time running will be the MARATHONNNNNNN! :D

Did: rest

Race Day!

ATL Publix Marathon

It's been a few days (thanks, work) and I'm still pretty much on the post-marathon high. I really could just echo all of the thoughts and feelings of Angelina's post on this event, because she captured the entire day SO well. But I guess I need to wrap up things from my perspective, so here goes...

I do have to say, this was a "first" for me... signing up for a race with zero goals or intentions of my own, and dedicating all of my training and race day effort to supporting someone else. It was a first, and I really really enjoyed it. It took all of the mundane-ness and difficulty of training and marathon-ing, and completely changed the motivation to make it almost a non-issue. Are long miles hard? Duh, yes, of course they are. But for this race, none of that mattered - I had "bigger things" to do than to focus on anything of myself.

We arrived plenty early, no issue getting there or parking. It was chilly but not unbearable (around 40F) so we donned our "throw-away" jackets and were happy to find a heater near our start corral.
"Throw-away" jackets

Pretty buildings in the pre-dawn hours


In the start corrals!
The first half of the race honestly flew by... I'll admit, we started out too fast and the first 13.1 was solidly sub-10 pace. Oops. We enjoyed the city as the sun rose, chatted about various things, and saw the "cheer squad" on several occasions.
Seeing B the first time

Skyline selfie!

The most adorable sign-holders!

Seeing Brandi again!
This was getting towards the end... but still smiling.

Somewhere earlier on the course...

There were over 30 of the "professional" race photos that were taken, and my first thought when scrolling through was just how HAPPY we look (with very few exceptions). Such joy of running, and to be able to share it with someone else!

I've adopted A's #10kTuesday team as my own from a distance and through various relay races, and it's just so awesome to see the love and support they bring. Cannot say enough good things about what it means to have a team of people rooting for you!


This entire volunteer group was waiting for Angelina! 
We were definitely tired by the end, but as always, the finish line adrenaline and happiness overpowered it all!
Mile 26... the finish line is in sight!
Chasing A down the finish chute, documenting the moment
Just awesome!
Sweet, sweet, finish line
Finisher Selfie!
So, so proud. 😍

After the race, we hung out in the finish area and stretched/relaxed/chugged chocolate milk (sooooo good). Unfortunately I had to get home for dinner, so I didn't have much time to recover before a quick burger & beer, shower, and hopping into the car to drive home. SUCH a great race and experience, and couldn't have asked for a better friend to share it ALL with. 😄

Monday, March 11, 2019

ATL Publix Marathon Training (1 Week til Race Week)

Did: rest
Still recovering from a tiring weekend... even though Sunday didn't involve much running, still felt like I needed a day off.

Did: 6.22 mi @ 8:43/mi
Ran outside... JUST a #10kTuesday, and it was beautiful. Cool air, sunshine, easy pace... good run.

Did: rest
Knew today would be crazy so didn't even attempt it.

Did: 6x400 progressive repeats
Did this workout outside in the sun (glorious!) but of course had the challenges of figuring out exactly where a 400 would start/end. Found a pretty flat straightaway to use and marked off my start & end points... speed down one direction, recover to return to the start. At first I'd planned to do 3 sets of 3, but realized what that would mean time-wise, and shortened it to 3,2,1 of 10k pace, 5k pace, and 1mi pace.
3x400 @ 10k - 1:56, 2:00, 1:55
2x400 @ 5k - 1:45, 1:44
1x400 @ 1mi - 1:31

Woot! Success!

Did: rest

Did: rest

Did: 15.08 mi @ 9:20/mi

We enjoyed the sunshine and beautiful warm weather on this final long run together. Started out in sleeves and headband, finished in a tank top. Ahh, South Carolina. Started at Furman, ran through campus, then to the north end of the Swamp Rabbit and back. Nothing too eventful and just enjoyed the time together!
Showing off our "strong muscles"

Weekly Miles: 26.75 mi
Yep, taper time. Minimal workouts this week.

Monday, March 4, 2019

ATL Publix Marathon Training (2 Weeks til Race Week)

Week beginning thoughts: Focus this week is not marathon training, but the USATF Indoor Masters Championships this weekend!

Did: strength
Good lift today, been a while since I started off the week with strength training. Also did a good bit of stretching to help with the slight bit of soreness from yesterday's long run.

Did: 6.78mi @ 7:51/mi avg
Met up with Matt for some early morning track work. I had no semblance of a plan for what I was actually going to do once we got to the track, but I settled on 200s, 400s, and 800s in repetition. I also attempted (successfully!) to clear the hurdles a few times in preparation for my pentathlon this weekend. 😳 All I can say is, I hope the hurdles are the SHORT ones because the tall ones are taller than my hip and I did not attempt to clear those. Face, meet track. Yep, that would totally happen.
Anyway... here's now it worked out this morning...

200/400/800 round 1: 44.3, 1:37.8, 3:32 (somehow my "avg pace" on Garmin doesn't match what these times would predict my pace to be, even though the distance measurement seems accurate... hmmm).

200/400/800 round 2: 42.7, 1:32.7, 3:24 (yay, a little faster!)

200/400 round 3: 42.9, 1:41.4 (yeah I phoned that last 400 in)

Felt good, not as fast as I hoped I'd be, but I guess for the chilly morning it's good I didn't push to the limit. I could feel some muscle soreness from yesterday's lifting, and I've not been stretching like I should.

Did: 4.0 mi easy - 8:39/mi avg
Just a few treadmill miles to keep the legs used to training volume. Didn't have time for much more but did stretch after for a bit. Rest day tomorrow then it's TRACK MEET WEEKEND!!

Rest as planned

USATF Indoor Masters National Championships

31.35 miles total for the week. Taperrrrrr timeeeeeee.

USATF Indoor Masters National Championships

So, about a month ago I signed up for this thing. I had no idea what to expect and no relevant experience to contribute to the event other than I can run. It turned out to be an amazing weekend of new experiences, meeting new people, and being part of a team.

I'd arrived Thursday evening and basically went immediately to sleep... was a little nervous about the morning because of how little preparation I had, but was informed that my running bestie was going to accompany me to the track even though it was a super early morning for her and she didn't have events until much later, but she was going to help orient me to the event and what to expect. I was relieved to have company, to say the least! I got over in plenty of time, picked up my packet, and declared for my first event.

The way these things work is a little complicated... first, you sign up online for your events several weeks before. Then, an hour before the event starts, you have to "declare" i.e. state that yes, I'm here and I plan to participate in this event. Then ~15 minutes before the actual event, you have to check-in where they organize you into your heats, give instructions on the specific event, and walk you to the event start area. It can be a bit of chaos, but once you figure out where to go/ who to look for, it gets a little easier.

My very first event was the pentathlon (5 separate events throughout the day), beginning with 60m hurdles at 8:30am. I'd hopped over a hurdle exactly once before this event, and figured out that I was safe if it was the "short" hurdles but the tall hurdles were likely not possible for me to clear. I had no idea there were so many hurdle heights. As I looked at the hurdles that were set on the track, I was very relieved to see they were the short ones - hooray, I was going to be OK!
Short hurdles!
I found my group of pentathletes and immediately felt comforted by the kindness and support of the group - they were giving tips and pointers, sharing their stories of "first pentathlon" and other such anecdotes. I felt much better knowing there was a variety of experience levels in the group. Clearly, some were VERY good at the events, but even they were very humble about their abilities saying, "oh, don't worry, I don't really know what I'm doing either!"

We were in the midst of getting our final instructions for the hurdles, being informed there were 3 heats and I was in the third... the first and second would go, then they would "change the hurdles" before the third heat because we were all a younger age group. I nervously asked, "Does that mean they'll get taller?" 😬 So now, I was nervous again. But no chance to back out now, I just had to go for it!
Nervously standing on the start line. 

On your mark.... set... BANG! Off I went and magically cleared the first hurdle... then the second... then by the third I realized I WAS DOING IT! I WAS GOING TO CLEAR THEM ALL! I felt SO relieved that this event was over.

Not even close to the finishers ahead of me, but I was proud that I had successfully completed the event. On to the next... high jump!

Here, the first order of business was asking each participant (there were about a dozen of us) what our starting height for the bar was. I had been instructed to request the "meet minimum" height as a starting point... which got a chuckle from the official. We got our jumping order, were given a few practice jumps, I got a few tips/pointers from the other girls, and we were off! My starting height was 0.73m, which is just barely above the height of the mat on the other side of the bar. It felt easy to clear for the first few jumps, and the height was increased by 3 cm each time we'd all cleared it. 
One of the first jumps
Around 0.9-something it started to feel challenging and I knocked it down for the first time. I got some more pointers and then starting putting some real effort into jumping... took 3 tries to clear around 1.03m and when I finally did it, the official said, "See, you've just been playing around..." Heh. I felt good that I'd surpassed 1m, which was my goal, so I kept going just to see how far I could get. 
Not terribly graceful.
I topped out at 1.09m and lost my rhythm, ended up just running straight into the bar a few times. Honestly I think I was just tired by then! Flinging your entire body into the air takes just about every muscle in your body. Some of the other pentathletes hadn't even started jumping yet by the time I was "out" but I enjoyed watching them for the rest of the time. I think the highest ended up being 1.56 or something like that... this is not a sport for short people.

Next I had my first overlap of events... the 400m run was scheduled just a few minutes apart from the shot put. I spoke with the officials and they told me to go ahead and run, I'd just throw towards the end of the group. Whew, OK!

First event for "just running" and honestly, I was probably a little too excited. I went out WAY too fast, thinking "it's just a quarter-mile" and not recognizing that I was only about halfway through my day. Yeah, it didn't involve all that much running from a distance perspective, but the repetition of short, hard efforts is surprisingly taxing! I was excited though, since this was my first run with A. :)

Runnin' fast!
I think my official time was 1:18... FAST. But as soon as it was over, I hopped right back to the shot put circle. No photos of that event, but it was pretty quick and my longest throw was 5.5 meters. Woot. Next... long jump!

The long jump is pretty simple... run down an aisle towards a pit of sand, jump when you get to the white board (but don't let your toe touch past the edge), and jump as far as you can into the sand pit. The closest mark your body makes to the board is where they measure.

Sizing it up.

Here goes nothing...

Longest jump was 3.2 meters (a little over 10 feet). Again, nothing impressive. FINALLY we were onto the part of the pentathlon that I felt best about... running 800m! (half mile)

This was the one event I was actually mid-pack as far as performance goes. I finished in 3:09, the fastest finished just 20 seconds ahead of me. I was happy to finish the day on a high note and get to the next order of business... FOOD! It was like 3pm by this time and we'd not eaten any lunch yet. Yes, the 3000m was still on the schedule, but man, we needed some food.

So excited for Moe's.
After chowing down on Moe's burrito, we had about an hour before the 3000m. Turns out that was NOT sufficient time to digest and though we had no mishaps, it was definitely not comfortable running.

Ready for the 3000m!
Lap Splits... so many laps!
Finished the 3000m in 13:01, and I was happy with that. Definitely not super fast but with the long day I'd had, I was just glad to finish out the final race and collect my medals!
Day 1: success!
We hit up Red Robin on the way home and then crashed immediately upon return to the hotel.

Yes, that was all just ONE DAY. A & I started Saturday with a long run (because, oh yeah, we're both still marathon training, too). We got to run at Salem Lake, a favorite of ours from years past, and did two loops around the lake = 14 miles. Nice warm-up for the day. Also discovered that EVERY muscle in my body ached SO MUCH. Who knew doing brand new sports with no training would end up making me sore??
Lake run!
We made it back just in time to change, eat, and get over to the track. Event #1: 60m dash.
Discussing goals and the merits of starting blocks.
Neither of us really gave effort on this given the muscle fatigue and soreness, so we decided the only goal was to not pull a muscle. Mission accomplished.
Not even close.
Dashing ladies
We had a little break for lunch until the next event: one mile.

I felt good about my performance, and it was consistent (check out those 200m splits). Definitely not my fastest mile by a long shot, but I didn't totally phone it in. The rest of the day was a bit of a blur... there was some chaos getting the relays (4x200 and 4x800) organized... although I'm told it was better than last year. We were all so hungry by the end that we just wanted it to be done so we could go get food!
All the ATL relay ladies

Relay team gold!
We ordered takeout from Outback, ate in the hotel room, and again went to sleep quickly.

Third and final day... tired and ready to be done, but still enjoying the whole experience! Thankfully we had a relaxing morning as our first events weren't until about 10:30am. Hooray!

We seriously didn't take many photos... it was that kind of day. Only 2 events for me, the 800m run and the 4x400 relay.

800m splits
I was happy with my time for the 800, especially with how tired I was. Again, pretty consistent, so I judged the level of my tiredness accurately haha.

The 4x400 was our final event, same relay team as Saturday's, and boy we were all TOAST. I still think we got a silver medal though... the other 30-34-year-old team (your team's age is your youngest competitor) was the overall winner, if I recall correctly.

But hey... it all turned out well in the end...
Team champs!
Atlanta Track Club won the overall Men's & Women's team competition! Woohoo! So fun to be part of a team and experience something totally new.

The "Under 40's"

Weekend bling: 2 Gold, 3 Silver, 3 Bronze, 1 Fourth