Sunday, May 20, 2018

Rainy week

Week Beginning thoughts:
Um, it's going to rain all week, including this weekend when we're supposed to go camping and mountain bike all weekend. Just great.

Did: strength
Feeling strong today. Hitting higher and higher numbers on the weights, 30# assisted pull-ups are finally feeling doable, with good form, all the way to the end of the third set... that means it's time to drop some weight next time!

Did: 6.21mi @ 10:53/mi
Did an early downtown #10kTuesday with Megan and Robin. Did what's becoming the "usual" route and enjoyed the early temps and being outside before the rainy week began. I was able to go back home and shower since I was working from home for the day, which was quite nice vs the usual of sweating in my car for the entire commute and showering in the locker room at work.

Did: 10.0 mi stationary bike @ 14.2 mph
I didn't even bother packing my bike due to the forecast of rain all day, so I got my interval program done on the stationary bike. Not much else since had to shower after as well. Bleh.
pedal pedal pedal
Did: 4.00 mi @ 8:14/mi avg - treadmill ladder + Big 5 stretching
Quick speedwork Thursday late in the afternoon. Thought about attempting a one-mile "test" but really just didn't feel mentally into it... so I did some speedwork instead in the short time I had. More on that 1-mile later...
Anyway, I did 1200/800/400 at 6:30/mi pace with 400 rest in between, plus 1 warm up / 1 cool down. Actually didn't feel bad on the speeds and thought I could go faster... hmm.

Did: yoga
Finally made it to yoga! Yesssss.

Did: nothing
Well, this weekend we were supposed to go camping and would be mountain biking all weekend. We got about 45 mins into the drive and D pukes... then pukes again 30 mins later... so we turn around, and he pukes as we pull into the driveway at home. Scott went camping. D and I are home. He puked again this afternoon on the way home from the zoo (walking around the zoo was the extent of my exercise today). Blergh.

Did: 8.05 mi @ 10:36/mi w/ stroller
Whew, this was a hot and slow one. I haven't run in the neighborhood with the stroller (or at all, really) recently so the hills were quite challenging, especially since we ran from about 10:30-noon aka HOT and humid part of the day. Still, it was enjoyable to spend time without any real distance or pace goals, just trucking along with my little dude.
Starting out... shades on.

Sweaty for snack time
It's very challenging to carry on a conversation with a chatty 3-year-old while sweating and running, even at a moderate pace. But he made the miles tick by reasonably and I think we both enjoyed ourselves.

Week-ending thoughts:
Oh, so I forgot to mention... I'm loosely joining up with a virtual group of friends (ok, they're real friends, we're just training "together" virtually) to train for a one-miler. I don't have an actual goal race, but I'm hoping to do a 1-mile test run sometime this week (hoping for a track, but worst case I'll run around the parking lot at work twice or something) then see how much I can improve in 6 weeks. It's a last-minute and not completely thought-out thing on my part, but hey, we'll see what happens!

Other than that, I'm generally pleased with this week except for not getting on an actual bike at all. Unfortunately this next week looks almost as bad weather-wise. Ugh. Let's hope it clears up!

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