Sunday, May 13, 2018

Biking and running... yep.

Week beginning thoughts:
Haven't done this in a while... usually because it's mid-way through the week before I start an entry, if that gives you any indication of how life is going these days. But I wanted to record the fact that things currently hurt because of my "wreck" on the mountain bike yesterday. My wrists both ache, but it feels mostly like a bruise. My left shoulder hurts when I do certain maneuvers, and the bruise on my left hip/thigh is pretty substantial. I think it should all be fine in a few days, but geez.

Did: strength
Had to modify/eliminate a few things because of said injuries. I would go to lift or press something and go "nooOOOoope". Also, clamshells on my left side were painful due to bruise. Oh well, did what I could do.
Lots of nope.
Did: 6.23 mi @ 8:54/mi #10kTuesday (64 consecutive weeks!)
Run at lunch today - hello, warm weather! And my pace showed it. Ugh. I miss my early morning running, but I know it's good for me to build heat tolerance - necessary evil. Anyway, not much spectacular about today's run. Consistent pace, didn't really push, just got it done. Yep.

Did: 10.6 mi @ 12.8 mph bike ride
Rode the usual hill + Upstate loop with Robin today - beautiful day to be on a bike! Low humidity, light breeze, lots of sunshine. We've gotten our loop time down to about 51 minutes, and decided once we're comfortable at 45 mins we're gonna try a longer loop! Woot!

Did: 3.23 mi @ 8:40/mi avg (3x400) #speedworkThursday
This was a haphazard workout because I rolled up to work thinking I would just t'mill it, but it was SO nice that I decided to run outside. And then I didn't really want to just run, so I decided to do speedwork. And then I didn't really decide what format for speedwork I would do until I was done with my warm-up and halfway through my first interval. Was I doing a tempo run? Progression? Intervals? Yeah, that's how it went. I did intervals.

No goal pace, just push as hard as I could for a quarter-ish mile. I had a 30-minute timeframe in mind, so only really time for 3 hard intervals before it was time for a cooldown. Apparently I got faster with each interval, so that's nice. Eh, good enough for today!

Did: rest
Nothing today - rest day!

Did: 4 mi + Zoom through the Zoo 5k
I'd registered for this 5k as part of the Corporate Shield series (companies in the Upstate compete for points), but didn't really plan to "race" it, so I wanted some more distance for the day. Met up with Robin & Dale and we parked about a mile and a quarter from the race site... decided to casually jog over, pick up our bibs and shirts, jog back to the cars to put the shirts away, then jog back to the race. It was just the right amount of pre-race mileage at an easy pace to set the stage for the race.
More details on the Zoom through the Zoo here.
Total of 7.1 miles for the day.

Did: 12.2 mi mountain biking
Original thought was to go to Dupont this morning, but I felt "meh" about the drive and wasn't sure I really wanted to ride all that much, so we opted for a more local option with lots of variety of distance to choose from. Turns out neither of us had ridden at Paris Mountain in YEARS. Crazy! I ended up feeling really good and very pleased that not only is my fitness much better than the last time I remember biking there, my bike skills are better too because some of the trails I remember being "really hard" weren't all that bad!
on the North Lake dam
Did a total of just over 2,000 ft elevation gain on the ride today... that's some climbing!
A very nice way to spend Mother's Day morning. :)

Week-ending thoughts: 
Not too much to say... was a good strong week.

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